The Start Of A New Path (Retyped)

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~{April: First Day Of The U.A Term}~

"Do you have everything?"


"Your cell phone?"

"Have it!"

"Your wallet with your school I.D?"

"In my pocket!"

"What about your tissues and handkerchief?"

"Got them."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"But are you-?"

"I'm sure mom! I'm gonna be late!"

Izuku was at the front of his apartment, making sure he had everything he needed on him for school with his mother nervously asking him things just to make sure.

"I've got to hurry!" Izuku said as he put on his signature red shoes and quickly opened his front door.

"Izuku!" Inko called out to him.

"What?" Izuku turned back to his mom and saw a small smile with tears in the corners of her eyes.

Inko admired her son in his U.A school uniform. "You look really cool."

Izuku was partially taken aback from this, staring at his mother with a look of wonder. He then formed a determined smile on his face as he left his apartment yelling, "I'm off!"

He started to run down the street with the largest amount of excitement that he's ever had. Today was his first day of school. And not just any school, but the number one hero academy of his dreams, U.A high. He desperately wanted to use One For All to get there faster, but he knew he would get in trouble, (and he didn't wanna disappoint All Might.)

A thought came into Izuku's mind, prompting him to stop for a moment. He pulled out his phone and picked a contact to call, then putting his phone to his ear as he started to run again.

Not even one full ring went by before the person picked up.

"THAT WAS FAST!" Izuku thought in shock.

"What is it?" Enso asked over the phone.

"U-Um, I'm heading over to U.A right now! Just checking to see if you're starting to head there yourself."

"I'm actually already in the U.A building." Enso responded.

"Ehhhhh!? Why are you there already?! Classes don't even start until another hour!"

"Nezu called me to come early so that he could speak to me. It didn't take me long to get here."

"That's still too early!"

Izuku started to pace himself in a light jog as he started to near the exit of his neighborhood and into the city. "Wait, Nezu called you early? What for?"

"He just wishes to speak about a few things regarding my attendance to U.A. I assume it's to give me some last-minute advice for class. After I'm done there, I'll wait for you near the classroom."

"Alright, see you then!" Izuku then hung up the call and continued to run.


Enso turned off his watch as he walked through the U.A halls with a few people in them. Some students had let their excitement get the better of them and arrived at U.A much earlier than intended, introducing themselves to some of the teachers walking by and trying to figure out the campus layout. Everyone was wearing their U.A uniforms and Enso was no exception.

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