Commencement Of The Examination (Retyped)

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For the remaining month he had to prepare, Izuku continued to train with One For All, using the assistance of All Might and Enso to get a better hold of using his quirk. Each day, after school, he would immediately run all the way to Enso's living quarters, honing his skills and finding all sorts of new ways he could use One For All with either of his teachers. As the exam grew closer, Izuku learned much more about how to use his quirk. He learned how to jump from wall to wall swiftly to travel upward, he learned how to use his finger for flicking shockwaves that created strong gusts of winds, and overall learned to adjust to his speed and move better using Full Cowling.

When Enso trained Izuku, he would constantly use the same Brute Style in order to take Izuku's attacks and see how much power he was putting into them, while also dealing attacks back to the boy to see if he could dodge better with One For All's speed.

By now, Izuku had been using One For All enough to slightly grow his maximum limit his body could take without feeling any form of pain. Now, instead of feeling pain just below 5% of his power, Izuku felt fine using exactly 5%, any more would sting him.

On whatever free time he had that didn't involve training or his hobbies, Izuku would occasionally text Momo just to talk. At first, he was completely terrified at the thought of texting her, as it would be the first time that he ever texted a girl. But soon, he managed to be the one to deliver the first message to the girl in a form of a stuttering hello, (to which Momo was utterly confused as to how or why the boy stuttered in a text).

As time went on, Izuku began getting more and more comfortable texting Momo, finding many things that they could converse over. Their conversations would go from talking about heroes, asking how they think U.A would be like, to even what hobbies they had (to which Izuku would mumble a storm about the heroes he analyzes in his notebooks.)

However, after what felt like so long, it was finally the day of the entrance exam. The day Izuku had been preparing so long to prove himself in.

It was 6:30 in the morning, the sun was just barely rising from the horizon, but Izuku got up bright and early completely filled with excitement. The exam was in about two hours so he didn't have to get up as early as he did, but the anticipation was killing him.

He then heard his phone vibrate, piquing the boy's interest.

"Is it Momo wishing me good luck? I didn't think she would get up early, especially if it's just to wish me good luck."

When Izuku checked the message he received, he found that it was actually All Might that texted him, asking for him and Enso to arrive at the beach as soon as possible. Izuku quickly put on a white t-shirt and green shorts before heading out to the beach to meet up with them. Once arriving at the beach, he saw both of their silhouettes in front of the sun, making him smile.

"All Might! Enso" he shouted excitingly.

Enso and All Might both turned around to see Izuku running towards them.

All Might started laughing as he waved his hand to him, "Good Morning young Midoriya! The entrance exam is today! How are you feeling?" All Might asked.

"I'm feeling great All Might! I feel really pumped!" Izuku exclaimed.

"Well, stressing over the exam wouldn't have done you any good." Enso said.

"Good morning to you too Enso..." Izuku sighed.

All Might started laughing, "So outstanding! It seemed like it was just yesterday that I gave you One For All! You've come so far now!"

"I don't think a year is too long considering how much more he has to improve..." Enso muttered.

"Don't ruin the moment!" Izuku snapped.

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