The First Rounds (Retyped)

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"Enter The Heat Of Battle!"

The flames in the pots erupted.


Izuku's body lit up in orange, red, and green colors.

"Full Cowling, 5%!"

He dashed forward with a fit of speed towards Kendo.

Kendo stood her ground and took a deep breath as Izuku came towards her.

When he closed in on her, Kendo pulled her right arm back before thrusting her palm forward, enlarging it with her quick at an attempt to slam it into Izuku.

Izuku saw this and jump over it, landing on the other side of her and immediately turning around to perform a right hook swing.

Kendo simply used her enlarged hand to swing it around and swatted Izuku away, sending him a few yards away before he landed in a crouching position.

Izuku had a stern look on his face.

"Her quirk lets her enlarge her hands by nearly up to three times the size of her body! But seeing how she moves them confirms to me that their size doesn't affect how heavy they are to her... It's as if she's telling gravity to screw itself."

Kendo jumped at Izuku with her right hand above her head in a karate-chopping position.

"Ki-ai!" As she yelled this, Kendo swung her hand down with it enlarging abruptly, aiming right down at Izuku.

"WHOA!" Izuku jumped back, and Kendo's hand chopped the ground, cracking the cement easily under the destructive force.

Upon landing, Izuku dashed forward and jumped up, swinging his leg down at an attempt to ax-kick her.

Kendo once again shrunk her fist back to standard size and lifted up her other hand at the same time.

Her other hand enlarged not as big as before, but it was large enough to suddenly catch Izuku's foot right into it, taking the kick and gripping down to grab hold of him.

"Crap! She's got me!"

Izuku didn't hesitate to point his fingers down at her.

"Delaware smash 10%!"

He flicked his fingers, and the sudden force basically slammed into Kendo and caused her to let go of Izuku while getting sent back.

Izuku fell to the ground on his back but immediately performed a kip-up, kicking the air and jumping back to his feet.

"Oho! It looks like we got some action already!"

Izuku felt a small sting of his finger, "I couldn't risk her keeping hold of me, I had to use more percent than intended right there, but it's only a little sting."

Kendo regained her footing and put on a stance one again, waiting for Izuku to move.

The boy took a deep breath, "I gotta move faster."

He coursed more of his power throughout his body, showing by some more intense colors.

"7%!" Izuku moved in a flash, circling around Kendo rather quickly as to confuse her.

Kendo kept her stance still as her eyes tried to follow the boy, waiting patiently for a moment.

At one moment, Izuku stopped circling around her and dashed towards her from behind.

Kendo heard him and turned around while thrusting her palm forward, suddenly expanding her hands once again to add momentum and increase the power of her strike.

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