The Beauty of Progression (Retyped)

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~{Enso's Residence- A Day Before Exams}~

"Onryō's Fury!"

Izuku's eyes and aura flared up in black as he got into a fighting stance. In the dojo across from him was Enso, his own yellow stance from his Snipe Style shining.

Todoroki, Shinso, Iida, and Stain watched the two from the indoor balcony above, staring down at them to take notes on their battle. It was only a day before the students' final exams, both written and practical. The group already felt confident about the written portions because they studied, so here they are, honing their skills one last time before the inevitable test tomorrow.

"Let's get funky, partner!" Ikari stated in a pumped-up tone.

Izuku blinked in confusion.

"Get... funky?"

Ikari processed what he just said.

"Huh... I don't know where that came from."

"Pay attention." Enso's voice cut in.

Izuku's eyes widened as a yellow blur came right at him, to which he leaned back and let his body fall, narrowly avoiding the heel coming at his face.

"I can't let my guard down for even a second!" He thought as Ikari formed a tendril from behind and pushed him back up to his feet.


Izuku turned to the mentioned direction and rose his arms in an X shape, to which a pure black shield formed in front of him. He kept his stance firmly as he received a dropkick from Enso, to which he felt his feet slide back a few inches from the force.

"Wrap him up, Ikari!"

Black tendrils shot up from the black shield in an attempt to restrain Enso, but the male had already bent his knees and pushed himself off, flying out of reach.

Enso performed a backflip in the air before landing in a crouch several yards away, then taking a deep breath as his yellow aura flared up more.

"Snipe Style..."

He vanished from his spot and started springing all over the room.

"Ricocheting Bullet!"

He bounced from the walls, floor, and ceiling, getting faster and faster with each change of direction.

Izuku's eyes followed his mentor's movement, barely able to catch up with his location.

"Okay, Izuku, this is just like sparring with Gran Torino! You've been through this many times! And since the room is large, it'll take Enso split seconds longer to reach one end to the other! You can keep up with him!"

Izuku sidestepped out of the way as Enso came flying by, drafts of wind rushing with him.

He then did the splits as Enso came at him again, ducking under a flying dropkick.

"Wait, you can just do that now? Did hurting your balls actually help with that?" Ikari asked, impressed with Izuku's flexibility.

"Shut it, Ikari!"

Izuku used his hands to push himself off the ground, just high enough to land on feet. He did this just in time to tilt his body sideways and narrowly avoid yet another flying kick.

"We gotta get him off us!"

"On it! Just turn into a ballerina and spin!"

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