The True Start Of School (Retyped)

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~{Second Day Of School}~

Izuku stared up at the U.A gates once more, shaking in excitement with his eyes completely opened and slightly sweating.

"I still can't believe that I'm actually going to U.A... The U.A!"

"Izuku, something wrong?"

Izuku blinked repeatedly and looking ahead to Momo who was staring back at him with a perplexed look.

Izuku smiled, "Sorry, a part of me just can't believe that I'm actually here."

Momo gave him a heartwarming smile as well, "You came here out of your hard work, be proud of it."

The two smiled in each other's delight as they made their way up to their classroom, imagining what kind of class they'll have this time.

When they got to the door, Izuku quickly slid it open for Momo.

"Why thank you." Momo acknowledged as she stepped through the door, with Izuku then following from behind.

Everyone else was already in the class standing around and talking to one another. But when a few of them saw Izuku come in, they immediately went over to him.

A spiky, red-haired boy with jagged teeth was the first of the class to actually introduce himself to Izuku.

"Yo, I wanted to talk to you after school yesterday but you were getting yourself fixed up!" He pointed his thumb at himself with a toothy grin. "I'm Eijiro Kirishima! I can't believe you launched that ball with that much brute force! That was amazing!"

"Th-Thank you." Izuku responded meekly, blushing from the praise.

A yellow-haired boy with a black lightning bolt design in his hair was beside him, supporting himself on a desk. "I'm Denki Kaminari, I was right next to you when you crushed that grip machine. I was honestly pretty shocked. Pun intended."

Izuku remembered breaking the machine and averted his eyes in embarrassment, "N-Nice to meet you Denki and Eijir- I mean Kaminari and Kirishima!" Izuku immediately corrected himself in a frantic panic.

"Whoa, chill out man. You don't have to be so tense, we don't bite." Kirishima reassured him with a toothy smile.

"You sure look like you could bite me though!" Izuku shouted in his head.

He managed to calm himself down, "I-I hope we get along."

"Yeah!" Kaminari said, giving him a thumbs up.

Momo smiled happily to see Izuku already speaking with the other students, like an older sister who was happy seeing her brother making friends.

"Hey, hey! Does your arm always explode when you use that much power?!" A pink-skinned girl with horns asked excitingly.

"I'm pretty sure his arm didn't 'explode' Mina." An invisible girl wearing a uniform next to her pointed out.

Izuku sweated more nervously than before, "M-M-My arm doesn't always e-end up th-that way!"

"It seems that he really is more vulnerable around females... This might take a while." Momo sweatdropped.

The sound of something opening was heard, along with a "Good morning Izuku."

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