Three Introductions

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Any feedback, suggestions, compliments, or questions would be appreciated.

Bet you didn't expect this so suddenly did you? I already had this chapter typed out, but since people suggested more filler, I have to make some slight changes in my plans, one of which makes me post this way early. Enjoy


Izuku eyelids slowly opened up with some light from the morning sun filling his room up, he groaned for a moment before then letting out a long yawn that slightly made his eyes water. Lately he felt that he was having more trouble sleeping, he didn't know exactly why that was the case though. He slightly shifted in his bed, closing his eyes and attempting to get some more sleep in his covers as he turned his body to the side.

Only to bump into someone who was also in his bed.

Izuku's eyes shot open as he came face to face with a peacefully sleeping Ochako, their faces so close that Izuku could swear that he felt her small breathing against his face.

"Oh, that's why I couldn't sleep..." Izuku thought as he stared at her face. "That's... why... I..." The realization at how close Ochako was hit his mind, making Izuku's whole body turn red and his mouth widen.

"Sh-She got into my bed again!? Th-This time she didn't even leave early in the morning like she did for my birthday party!! Wh-What do I do!?"

Ochako then slightly stirred in her sleep, reaching her arms out around Izuku and pulling him closer to her. This didn't help Izuku's case at all, it was just like the first night that Ochako had slept with him, getting out of her own mattress and climbing into Izuku's bed to sleep instead. Izuku's head twitched as he looked down and saw what Ochako was wearing, a pink nightgown that partially exposed her cleavage.

"Wh-Why does she wanna s-sleep so close to-" Izuku cut his thoughts off as he then remembered why. "Th-That's right... sh-she... l-l-l-likes me..."

"Deku..." she mumbled in her sleep, making Izuku flinch. "You're... so cute..." she continued to mumble.

Izuku felt his heart skip a beat.

He then felt someone else squirming a little lower within the bed, and Izuku looked down to see Emerald come from under the covers and squirm up to the two, giving out an adorable, squeaky yawn as he did so.

"He got into the bed too?" Izuku thought as he smiled to see his pup sleeping there.

However, this sudden movement from Emerald caused Ochako to scrunch her nose and slowly come awake, she raised a hand and rubbed her eyes, letting out small groans as she came to.

"Ugh... Morning alrea-" Ochako's words stopped and her eyes widen to see Izuku right in front of her.

She blinked.

He blinked.

She blinked again.

"G-G-Good m-morning..." Izuku uttered out with an awkward laugh.

"D-Deku?! U-Um... th-this is-!!" Ochako stuttered with her words, frozen to be so close to Izuku.

Emerald turned his head to Izuku, and then to Ochako, who could both only stare at one another. He then went up to Izuku's neck and licked it, making Izuku let out a small laugh.

"Hey, that tickles." he chuckled as he slowly rose out of the bed and lifted up Emerald by his waist in front of him.

Ochako took the opportunity to comedically roll out of Izuku's bed and onto the floor, then continued to roll until she got into her own bed and cover herself entirely under the covers out of embarrassment. Steam emitted from her bed and even the white covers seemed to turn red and shake nervously with her.

To Be A Hero (On Hiatus)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin