Who's Back?

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Genesis' POV

After the plan yesterday, We all went to attend class today. Since, we have multiple absents. I came in class and saw that the whole class is surrounding something. I walked to the crowd. My eyes widened at the sight.

"I'm fine really. I was just lost in the woods for days." Her voice.

It made me back up and go to my chair. She's... She's safe.

I thought for a moment. Maybe, I was just dreaming. I slapped myself which made Ronald look at me.

"Uhm, Are you okay dude?." He asked.

"Yeah,Just..I don't know." I said holding my head.

"You lack rest." He said.

"It may seem like it..." I looked at him.

"Sure you do. You just didn't sleep early. What got you up so late?." Ronald asked.

"Just party planning."I said.

" For whom?. " He asked smirking.

" A girlfriend?. "He smirked looking at her.

I prevented my face from turning red and tried to put on my 'I don't care' Attitude, but sadly it failed.

" No. "I blurted.

" I see. Well then, get some good night rest tonight because tomorrow it's going to be a riot. " He said going back to whatever he was doing.

What he said made me tick a little. Riot? What does he mean by that?

A whoosh of a girl's skirt made me snap out of my mind. I saw her infront of me.

" Hey." She said with a small smile.

My eyes widened and I could feel my face burn up.

"A-Avenir." I stuttured out.

"What? Missed me haven't you?." She asked, giggling.

"I, You were gone for days! Weeks even!." I retorted.

"I know I have been gone... I fell off a cliff by chasing a 10 dollar bill and eventually washed up on a beach which was near the woods." She said like it didn't really matter.

I raised an eyebrow and her face starts turning a little pale.

"Really? A lie of ommission?." I said rolling my eyes.

"I don't know what that means but Yeah." She said

"Lie of ommission is when you add a little or more lies into a situation that actually horrified you." I said.

"Uhm.. Eheh. Okay? But it did really happen!." She said smiling again.

"Don't you know that I know you're lying." I said.

"I am not."

"Yes you do. 75% of what you said was a lie. I know it." I said.

"Just.." She sighs.

"I'll tell you later okay?." She said walking back to her seat.

"And you're going to finally see your family.." I murmured.

Cathy's POV

As a normal, average, teenage dream girl, I decided to put some make up on for today. Since, Avenir was declared dead, by most people, which is, Me.

I head to school and the air was so clean. No famous faces but me. No snotty, little mongrel girl, which I call Avenir. As I enter the classroom, I saw A dark-blueish haired girl talking to Genesis. I only assumed it was a student from the other section, and so, I head to my desk, which was awfully far from where Genesis sat.

The teacher came in, which was the substitute.

"Good morning class!." He greeted.

We all rise from our seats and bowed saying, "Good morning Mr. Michael Moore." Then sat back down.

"Okay class time for attendance!." He said raising the book for attendance.

"Let's see, Almonds?." He asked.

"Here sir." Renz replied.

"Okay, Black?." He asked not looking away from the attendance book.

"She's not----"

"Here sir!." A voice said.

My eyes suddenly widened. My head spinned to look at her direction.

"Black. Why have you been absent for almost a whole week?." Michael Moore asked.

"Sir, I fell off a cliff and.. I. Uhm.." She looked down.

"She fell off a cliff by chasing a 10 dollar bill and eventually washed up on a beach which was near the woods." Genesis stood.

"How did you know that Mr. Grim?." He asked.

"Do I look like a ten year old to you? Of course she told me! She told everyone. I know it may sound stupid to you, but listen here buddy, I know Avenir since she was a kid. I know she's clumsy and gets herself into trouble. So believe me, I know what she is and whatever she tells you, It's the truth. "Genesis said with a final statement and sat down.

I looked back at Michael Moore and he adjusted his glasses. He clears his throat which made everyone look back at him.

" Well, That was---odd but then again some people know you so I'll let it slide but next time, my dear, try not to be clumsy. You're lucky I'm your substitute teacher because unlike every other substitute teacher, they will give you a serious look but for me, It is fine. All I want is your grades and your performance. Anyways, let's move on shall we?. "He said taking our attendance.

I look down at my palms and clench them.

" I still didn't win.. "

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