Reunited With FEAR

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Avenir's POV

"It's been years since I saw you! I thought--."

"Yes, Yes I did and fortunately, The God gave me a job here. It was a cost." She said.

"What cost?." I asked tilting my head.

She sighed and patted the bed for me to sit on.

"It's gonna be a long story.."

Aeros' POV

I've got that tingly feeling that someone here is taking double sides. For some reason, I think It can be Genesis OR Sandy. They both seem off to me. Somehow..

We are here taking some tactics and making plans on how to mind trick Yuhriel. Of course Genesis is leading this. He has potential which I fear is dark.

Yuhriel's POV

Fascinating. Cathy showed me some plans on how to finally take down Aeros and his group. It is quite amazing. The stealth modes the attacks and bringing in Shadow Knights? It's perfect!

"... AND This will become fool proof." Cathy ended.

I clapped my hands which meant I loved her ideas.

"Get the others. We have work to do." I ordered and she nodded.

A few impatiently waiting moments, The others arrived and bowed in front of me. Cathy stood up quickly.

"I am so sorry to keep you waiting mistress. I couldn't find them so----."

I raised my hand and she keeps her mouth shut. I stood up and they stand up with ease.

"I understand that it is hard to find everyone of our people, but I do need you to cooperate with our plan to finally extinguish Aeros and his team. Is that understood?." I said calmly.

The others tilted their heads in confusion and I sighed.

"Please, I am much more tired of this than anyone is. I'm tired okay? I can't do this alone. I need your full cooperation in this one team. I promise, I won't hurt every one of you once this is done." I said tiredly.

"Mistress, You seem so stressed maybe I could take your place for now...?." Cathy asked quite afraid.

"No Cathy. You've done enough. Explain to them the plan and we will execute this plan immediately. We will destroy everything he loves. And once he has no one to stand for him, we will attack with brutal force. Not even giving him mercy." I said laughing evilly.

The others smiled and the others laughed.

" Good to have you back Mistress. "A boy with green streak said.

" Oh the pleasure's mine. "I said snickering.

" Bring in the VA girl. "I said.

A few seconds later, a woman in a high school uniform was tied up in a chair with a sack on her head. Andrace Park.

Andrace's POV

I was in school finishing up my video and stuff and BAAM! I'm captured and alone with a sack on my head!

" Hello Andrace. " a creepy woman's voice was heard

"Who are you! Let me go!." I yelled.

"Andrace, Andrace, Andrace. You see sweetheart. We need your help. All of your help." The mysterious woman said.

"I don't want to help you!." I yelled.

I heard snap of fingers. Then, the sack was off my head. My vision was blurry at first, then It adjusted. I saw a woman in a long gown with a hood. You know, like Blue diamond from Steven Universe? Yeah like her. She seemed to cover her face.

"Will you help me Andrace?."She asked.

" Hell no! First, you kidnap me and second, you ask me to join and help you?! Are you that dense to think that I will help you?! Ha! Die in hell!. "I yelled, not minding what I said.

" Or so help me, You WILL help me. "She said coming near to my face.

Yes, she was huge. Bigger than a normal human. She was as big as a tall building. Dust clouded her and she turned into a human sized person. She stood there looking at me. Eventhough I couldn't see her eyes, I could feel her fiery gaze on me. In a few seconds, her hand was placed on my chin.

"Listen here Andrace, Help me or your family dies." She said trying to scare me.

"Don't even try." I said growling.

She backed away.

"You're a werewolf." She asked backing up a bit.

I move my head and I could feel my ears and my tail wagging behind me.

"Yeah so?."

"Werewolves can know places and find their homes easily. They can also remember where they last were." She said.

"Sure they can. You're just dumb to know it." I said trying to get to her bad side. Eventhough, she is on her bad side.

"Hide her away and we'll do some Itty bitty experiments on her." She said

"Lay a hand on me and I'll bite you." I said.

Suddenly, pain hit behind my head. I started to blacken out. I last heard,

"She'll be the best candidate."

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