The Book

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Avenir's POV

Strange that some of the girls are missing which are my friends. They have been absent for days. Wonder why?

Genesis has also been starting  question many things. Like "where were you from?" "What is your nickname? " "Who are your parents?."

Like, I mean come on... Give me a break here. We just got back to being friends and you're trying to blow me up with questions I don't know!

Jeez, hectic. Why does he need my information tho? Hmm...

Cathy's POV

I see Avenir is in good shape. *sighs in relief* It's good to see her like this. It's all good.

Today, we have regular classes. Yeah. The normal and sometimes boring things.

"okay class. I'm heading out for a few hours to get some important papers from the department. I'm letting my friend who is a teacher watch you guys while I'm going out. Michael Moore." Mrs. Osorio said as she waved goodbye and exited the room.

"Hello Class 2-A. My name is Michael Moore. Can everyone please introduce yourselves to me?." He asked.

"My name is Ein Smith!."
"My name is Cathy White!."
"My name is Lily Mabel!."
"Leah Von vough"
"Jim Buyz!."
"Mark Liams up in about !"
"Pfft. Raphy Ibil."
"Ej Mendes."
"Joan Silva."
"Avenir Black and The empty seat beside me is where Sandy Shion sits."
"Genesis Grim."
"Jereon Benz."
"Ronald Winter."
"Renz Almonds."

We all introduce.

"Good. But wait? Where is Violet Blues, Rose Reddison and Sandy Shion? It says right here they have been absent for 3 days. Does anyone know where they could be?." Michael asks.

"Beats me." Jim Buyz said.

"Probably 'hanging'out with the hot men." Mark Joked.

"Like those three can get a date!." Raphy said.

"Hey! They are not like that! you jerks!." Avenir said crossing her arms.

"of course they aren't right?." Mark rolls his eyes.

"Plus they aren't that pretty." Raphy said.

There I saw Avenir's eyes flashed green. Maybe I'm hallucinating or is it just the light.

"Students! Pipe down!." Michael commanded.

Avenir kept quiet.

"Like I'd believe you old man." Jim says.

"Youre not even our teacher." Raphy said.

"They are right old man." Mark said.

"Principal's Office now!." Michael said with anger.

"Pfft. Weak." Mark scoffs.

"PRINCIPAL NOW!." Michael said.

Suddenly, the principal arrives.

"What seems to be the problem Michael?." the principal asks.

"Oh bunch or insulting kids insulting a teacher." He said rolling his eyes.

"And who are they?." The principal asked.

We all point to Jim, Mark and Raphy.

"Office now." The principal said.

"Yes Ms. Kate."  They all said walking out of the classroom.

Tch. Rebels.

Genesis' POV

I looked over at Avenir and her face was the face of anger. Something was on her hand. It could be a ring or something because it was shinning. She moved her hand and flipped it. I saw a ring on her finger. Hmm... I opened the book that the nurse gave me. I opened the first page.

School:Shi University
Year: 1st year of highschool

Hi, My name is Hyo Jin. As you can see in this book. This book is about a person we have been spying on. Her name is Silver Spikes. She has been with a guy name Black Chains. He has been protecting her. Weird for a girl like her to be protected. But in this book, I am not the only one who wrote in here. There are many of us. But the main ones are from someone named the enchantress. This was the only page I could write on. So whoever may find this. Please.. Know that you're in grave danger. Beware of this symbol.

It was a flower. It looks familiar. I saw this on Bryle once... But I can't seem to find it. He must've hidden it. It was on his arm before and it was on somewhere in his room. I gotta check this out
I flipped over more pages and opened to a page where either terrified me most.

Avenir isn't what she seems.


The picture of the flower is above.

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