To them, she is the Council.

Other leaders wish to have her and her kingdom as an ally, or at least make acquaintance with her, and they're offering whatever she wants in return. Yet she always turns them down. They know that she alone equals an army, but when she's joined with all the supernatural creatures of her kingdom, each with different kind of powers, immortal, and trained personally by her. No power on earth can stand in her way, and no one would dare trying.

Her kingdom resembles the glimmer of the moon reflected on water, so tempting to covet, yet so impossibly to have.

Her kingdom is perfection made by her where nothing but harmony and peace exists.

One of the Queen's most coveting gifts, is her ability of turning a person into an immortal creature which is unheard of. Only the elite people like leaders are born immortals in order to ensure that the packs' bloodlines continue.

However, and due to that unheard of trait, the Shadows' lands are also called the Immortals' lands. Those lands are highly risky for anyone, supernatural or not, to trespass into. Once, and if they do, they rarely leave unscathed.

And the frozen man just did the forbidden, and to add to his mistakes, he even kidnapped one of their people. A kid at that too.

He knew that he can't be saved now as he can feel multiple eyes on him not only the pair standing in front of him, indicating that they were there, in shadows waiting the order for blood to spill.

"Please just spare me. I just wanted to bring some food to my family. It's been days since my kids ate." The man pleaded. "Please spare me, and I'll leave these lands and never come back. The Queen won't have to know." The cloaked person smirked.

The guy have quite the guts.

"Are you trying to turn my people against me." The cloaked person said with a hint of amusement in their voice.

"No, I- wait, what? Are you t- the Queen?" The man said shaking like a leaf. "Please forgive me your highness." The man bowed as much as he could in his frozen state, and the ball of fire in front of him.

No command was ever like this, no command was supposed to freeze a person completely. They just emerge into your mind, and bend your will until your supernatural half has no choice but to obey.

"Move." She commanded snapping her fingers. The ball of fire disappeared, and the man's muscles miraculously started to relax from their tense position. "Carlos!" The queen called through the air, and out of nowhere a man appeared behind her. "Your majesty." Carlos responded bowing his head in respect.

"Escort him to the guest house, and find his family." She straightened the palm of her right hand in a slightly stretched position so that it's out of the cloak just enough for them to see it before a circle of fog appeared on top of it, in the centre of the circle an image of three starved triplets, all don't seem a day older than a year, and a very stressed looking young women in her early twenties cradling them outside a house- more like a small worn out cottage, appeared long enough for Carlos to memorise their faces before it vanished as she retreated her hand inside the cloak.

"Yes, your majesty." Carlos said bowing in acknowledgment to the order.

The man stared at her in maze not at how she knew exactly where his family was, or how she knew he wasn't lying, but at how compassionate she was. Her tone was more motherly -despite the unearthly demonic tone- than it is commanding, unlike a lot of other Alphas.

The man found her personality to be the most puzzling.

And just like that she disappeared into thin air along with the child that was plastered next to the tree behind them, like she never existed, and if not for Carlos who still stood in his place bowing his head, the man would have thought his head is playing games with him.

"They will escort you." Carlos said before nodding his head into the opposite direction, and two bulky males sprung out from between the trees towards him.

"Right this way." They said in unison before leading the man outside the forest and towards the direction ordered.

Carlos, too, vanished as soon as they disappeared from his sight.

He went to execute the orders given to him by his queen.


Enjoy 😊.


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