chapter 3: in love

Start from the beginning

The night air was cool and tinged Crystal's cheeks slightly pink from the cold. Shawn was staring at her with a smile and a look as if pausing the moment to remember in his head.

"I hope you have a safe flight back." Crystal spoke suddenly shy standing in front of the tall guy.

Shawn only nodded at that, his head too caught up with wondering if they'd be friends from now. "Will I see you again?"

Crystal felt like she was back in high school and she was giddy inside. The thing is, she started her career early that she never really experienced the typical "high school life". You know, falling in love, school dances, being asked out on a date or to prom. And, it was only in her shows that she could feel like a school girl falling in love for the first time. This was real, this time.

"Of course." She said quietly. "I've only been to Canada for shoots, never got to look around. Actually, probably haven't been to Toronto yet."

"Well, I'd be happy to show you around. My sister and Mom absolutely adores you."

There was a sparkle in her eyes at the mention of this. "They do? Will you tell them I'll come meet them soon?"

"Absolutely, they'd be pumped."

"This has been the only full day off I've had in about 2 months. I'm glad I spent it with you." She admitted making Shawn's heart beat faster. "Can I give you a hug?"

Crystal Paige was so random at times. Shawn concluded that if she hand't had a day off in almost 2 months, she was probably very stressed and tired and a day off just meant so much to her after so long.

Shawn didn't need another second to pull her in a hug. He was tall enough to lay his cheek on the top of her head as they embraced and Shawn out of habit rubbed her back sweetly.

Crystal never realized until now how perfect it felt to be held like that. Crystal's life was never actually perfect, she had her struggles and Shawn was right about this day off meaning so much to her than it probably should.

Sad that the day has ended and remembering the stress she's been through the past few months, Crystal couldn't help a small whimper. She felt like crying but she did her best not to cry on her newly made friend.

Shawn couldn't help his empathetic side kick in and pulled her even tighter at the faint sound. They stood there in the cold clutching each other like they've been best friends for ages until they broke free.

When they pulled away, Shawn had his hands holding hers in a reassuring way. Crystal couldn't help the smile that she was known for to appear on her face. "Thank you." She whispered, seeing her breath in the cold.

"Of course. Now, goodnight, Crystal Paige. Get some rest please." Shawn smiled still holding her hands in his. He was debating whether to do it or not but, he had a feeling he would think about it all night if he didn't. So, he brought her hand to his mouth and gave her a sweet kiss on the back of her hand.

Crystal blushed even more. They said their final "goodnight"s and "see you soon"s and she was off to her house. Shawn stood outside for a minute not understanding how he's feeling at the moment. He tried to shake the feeling off but only resulted in smiling even more as he began his short walk to his hotel. On the elevator ride up, Crystal had the same silly feeling and coudn't shake the giant smile off.


After getting ready for bed, Crystal was in her jammies and ready to crash for the night when her phone rang. The smile was slightly wiped off her face when she saw that her dad was calling. With a smaller smile, she went to answer the call hoping he was in a good mood tonight.

"Hey Dad." She answered.

"Crystaaaaaaal, oh Crytaaal!" He sang and Crystal's smile was officially gone. He was drunk, as usual.

"Dad, are you drunk?" She still asked even though she knew the answer.

"Me? Drunk? Oh no no no no no, honey. I've only had a few drinks." He slurred, words all over the place.

"Where's Mom?"

"I think she's sleeping at home, she's fine. Listen, darling, Dad's going to see his friends again next week, and they were wondering if you could book us a small cruise party."

"Is there a special occasion, Pa?" She asked.

"We're just hanging out, darlin. But hey, you know your old man's always very proud of you and I wouldn't pass on a chance to tell everybody I'm your father!" He didn't entirely make sense and Crystal could picture him in one of his "friends'" house as they listened to their conversation.

She knew if she said no, he would rage especially because he's probably with his friends. And he wouldn't appreciate himself being embarrassed that his daughter who they all knew makes good money wouldn't provide her father a luxurious party.

"Alright." There was no point in fighting, she knew all too well the results of her father's rage.

"Thanks honey."

"I love you, Dad." Crystal said but he had already ended the call before he could even hear her say it.

This time, Crystal didn't stop herself when she let out a quiet cry, wishing there was someone to stroke her hair and whisper "everything will be alright."

The thing about Crystal Paige was that she was still too busy trying to actually make her parents proud, despite of where she is in her career now, that she never thought of anything else. She thought love would distract her whenever there was a guy who turned up with a big number of flowers and ask her out for dinner. "I have no time for this." She would tell herself and dive back to work. Film here, interview there, photoshoot, dance practice, work out training, meet fans, promo, promo, promo. She never stopped working and she only asked that she could come home to a dad that told her he loved her when he's sober and not feel like he's only using her for the money.

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