The shoe was nice but too expensive, according to Naima. Tawfiq had insisted they buy it.

Tawfiq rubbed his face. Money wasn't a problem but Naima still couldn't understand that. She still had a 'budget before everything' mindset.

"Look, babe. I know you think it's expensive but it's not worth anything compared to our child. Just pick anything out without reading the price tag." Tawfiq concluded and he and a reluctant Naima entered the children's store.

Which sane person bought stuff without checking the price?
Only Tawfiq was that insane.

After the shopping, Tawfiq ended up carrying everything out all alone. Naima was just eating her ice-cream like an innocent child. She had tried to help out but Tawfiq had declined.

Two of the shops workers helped them pack the stuff up into the car they had brought. The bigger stuff would be delivered to their house later on.

Naima was really tired. She was almost 6 months pregnant so her stomach had become bigger and she had developed funny cravings.
Like eating strawberries in the middle of the night. She still hated it though. She just felt happy eating it.

She also couldn't eat her own food anymore. She only ate food made by Tawfiq. And somet

"Why can't you eat your own food any more?" Tawfiq asked with a chuckle.

"I don't know. It smells funny. I like yours better." Naima said innocently.

"Whatever you want, babe." Tawfiq replied.

Naima was sleeping when felt something wet trail down her leg and pain at her abdomen.
It was dark so she couldn't see what it was.

It couldn't be her water breaking right? She was just 6 months in. Pre mature labor? Questions after questions coursed through her brain.
She quickly turned on the lamp by the bedside and raised the comforter.

It was... Blood.

"Tawfiq... Tawfiq!" She nudged him urgently.

"Hmmm..." Tawfiq hummed sleepily and opened his eyes to see Naima with tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Tawfiq asked cautiously.

"... Blood." Naima managed to say.

"No! Fuck. Hold on." Tawfiq said quickly.

Where was the blood from? She was past her first trimester. What was this then?

"Oh God, please protect my baby." Naima cried.

Tawfiq picked her up, carried her in his arms and ran down to the garage.
His hands were shaking and blood was getting all over him. He took a random shirt and scarf from the living room and wrapped the shirt around Naima. When they got to the car, he wrapped the scarf around her head for her.

"Tawfiq, the baby." Naima cried. She was getting dizzy by the second.
"I don't want anything to happen to our baby." Naima cried.

"Don't worry, Habiba. Calm down. Everything will be fine. You and our baby are all going to be fine." Tawfiq consoled.

He wasn't even sure himself. Bleeding during pregnancy as far as he knew was never a good sign.

He forgot he wasn't even wearing a shirt himself. But the pain etched on Naima's face alone, was enough to make him forget he left even his heart.

Naima was still crying and Tawfiq was literally over speeding. He didn't care what speed limits he crossed.

"Come on!" He banged the steering wheel.

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