The Finals: Katie387750

Start from the beginning

they're giving Mom death and sleeping pills to kill the spirit that's taking over her. They're special pills that will kill the Z- darkness inside of them," Dad explained. "You're 12, I know you can handle this. I'm sorry, Crystal."

Back to present time...

I skimmed the cave I was sitting in. The dark, gray colored stone surrounded me. I started sobbing as I remembered my memories of Mom. Mom was a Zhol. She was a Zhol. I put my hand on my emerald necklace. The last thing I had of her. My spine started shivering as freezing cold air blew into the cave.

"I'm sorry."

The cold air blew harder.

"It's my fault."

The cold air blew harder than it ever had. It pushed me against the cave wall. I held the emerald pendant in my hand. When I fell back to the wall, the emerald shattered as it made impact with the stone. The emerald was fake, it shattered that easily. But, it was the last thing I had of my mom.

"Look what you did! That's your fault!" I screamed.

Why was I talking to the wind?

To my surprise, the wind blew warm air. I remembered what I said earlier.

"Ethan? Brandon? Diane? Tila?" I asked.

Cold air blew.


Warm air surrounded me, comforting me.

"Mom... I- I can't even explain everything I've wanted to tell you," I cried.

Cold air blew over me.

You must run. You must leave.

Her voice echoed through my head. I took a deep breath, and nodded. You weren't lying the day that you said that you'll always be there to support your daughter.

I dashed outside the cave. Zhols were circling around the cave. A teenage boy with raven black hair bolted towards me.

"Look what you did! You brought them all to me!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry, my name's Tilani, I know you're Crystal. Look, to get out of here, we need to use your magic."

"Theirs is twice as powerful as ours."

"Exactly, don't try to kill them, only distract them so we can get out of here. I can shine bright sunlight rays to blind them. After, you can use a fire blast to make them think we're trying to attack them, but really just run."

"How did you think of all of that in a few seconds?" I asked.

"That's why we're still alive. We know how to use our surroundings to help us. There's no winning this battle, there's only evading it entirely," Tilani explained.

"Sure," I sighed. "Let's go."

As our plan was told, Tilani shone a blinding light created from the sun. I shot a fireball to the right. We bolted into the forest.

The animals crawled into their homes.

The Zhols store to their left, which was where the fireball was. We grinned as we got away safely.

"How did you do that?" I asked, looking at the teenager.

"Magic." He smiled.

"Beautiful answer," I replied, rolling my eyes. "Where are we going?"

"There's a ship over in the vegetation over there," Tilani explained, pointing to the northwest. "If we get on, leave, and go to the nearest planet, we'll be safe."

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