Guild 2: Knight's Watch

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This guild was made by JesterheadJohnSnow. The guild seal is above. At the bottom of the guild form is the Gamemaker/Mentor comments and below them will be the five members representing the guild in the games.  

Guild name: Knight's Watch ( This name was taken from an old band of warriors that was made out of former knights of the planet whose goal was to patrol the streets at night, being wary of criminals and the enemies of the kingdom and keeping the people safe from them.)

Guild's planet: the Knight's Watch is from the planet Aker, which is located in the same system as Tythan, a few hundred light years away at most. It is also on the opposite orbit from the planet Castre. The headquarters of Knight's Watch is located in the capital city Tankrid, which is similar to a medieval European city. The terrain on this planet is similar to that of Europe's with a grassy atmosphere and Gothic architecture. It tends to rain a lot near the capital. Despite this, there is also a massive island on the planet known Jargus that is sunny year-round has a Mediterranean style climate. Furthermore, this planet houses several races including humans, animaloids, elves, dwarves, and more.

What is your Guild like: Everyone in the Knight's Watch is honorable and kindhearted with noble tendencies. Despite this guild having a gloomy exterior, every member has good intentions in their heart. Despite not being outgoing or cheery, the members themselves would never live with themselves if they let something happen to anyone. After all, they exist to serve the people and protect the weak. They also use all means necessary to obtain their objectives.

Guild history: The magic guild Knight's Watch was founded a couple hundred years earlier by a hedge knight who was desperate to find meaning in his life and to utilize his training as a knight as well as a warrior sage. He named it after the original Knight's Watch which were a band of heroes who were dedicated to the protection of innocents on Aker. Taking inspiration from the original Knight's Watch, the magician's guild also patrols the town, committing acts of chivalry to this day.

Guild master: The master of this Guild is known as Lady Lara. Lara was born on a frontier town about 20 miles north of the Tankrid, the capital city of the planet Aker to a human father and an orc mother. Her father, a knight in the service of the local king, taught her all about chivalry and the code of honor. On Aker, it is not just men who can enter the service of knighthood, but women as well. Becoming a hedge knight at the age of 17, Lara also learned that she had magical powers as well.This was when she joined Knight's Watch after hearing about them all over town to use her skills as an air mage. Now at the age of 42, it is her eight year leading the guild after the previous guild master, a shield wizard elf, was killed in the line of duty. Even though she can be firm, she also acts as a mother to the guild members.

Guild members: This guild has exactly 25 members as of now though only the five most accomplished members are chosen to participate in the games;in other words, the best of the best are chosen to represent the guild in the games. They also champion themselves as the most diverse guild on the planet since they accept applicants from various races and cultures. In order to become a member of the Knight's Watch, you would have to renounce your wealth and family ties in order to commit fully to the guild. Secondly, there is an initiation program which requires the initiate to commit an act of gallantry or even magnanimity within the first week in order to become a full-fledged member. An initiation assignment can include, but not be limited to, helping the elderly, rescuing a child from a pit to slaying a beast that terrorizes a town.During their time at the guild, if a member deviates from the creed, then they will be banished.
anything about your guild: Knight's Watch loves to hold friendly competitions and rivalries with the other guilds on the planet. However, despite being on good terms with most guilds, there are others created solely for the purpose of undermining Knight's Watch.

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