Battle Task 4: Entries

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JesterheadJohnSnow versus wordsmith-


" Are we in trouble?" Syliane inquired.

Lady Lara glanced over at the Harpy before glancing back at the letter she had received from Thulok earlier in the day.

"Not exactly." The Knight's Watch leader explained. She and several other guild members were taking a walk in the gardens behind their hotel. This was a rare moment of leisure time the guild received since the daily challenges kept them on their toes. In about a few hours, one of their guildmates was going to be competing in the final challenge of the day yet here they were discussing a letter from one of the Gamemakers.

"Then what is it?" Rhengar inquired.

Lara sighed before she turned to address her underlings. "Due to our altercation earlier in the day with Kommissar and his thugs, Thulok sent us a letter warning us not to get involved in incidents like these again."

The wind rustled a few bright red petunias around them as the Knight's Watch members tried to incubate this information. The silence was so deafening that the low whistling of the wind could be heard.

"I hope he knows that we didn't start the tussle." Tyreen was the one to break the silence. "We had to act since the Black Hand struck first and nearly got the civilians inside the cafe caught up in their assault."

"I don't think he sees it that way." The guild leader sighed. " Either way, I believe we did the right thing and for the sake of our reputation, let's avoid further contact and confrontation with Kommissar and his dogs."

"That sounds easier said than done." Jardonkha chimed in.

"Well, we are going to have to make an effort in order to avoid staining the guild's honor." Lady Lara stood up and stretched. "Anyhow, let's prepare to head out to the obstacle course. Furthermore, we need to prepare for the ball afterwards."

"Ball?" Sha'Kil blinked his eyes. "Is there another holiday here in Kypha?"

Lady Lara just chuckled. "Oh, pardon me. I forgot to tell you guys that we are invited to a celebration with the elite of the Republic."

"Wait.... all of us?" Zyra blinked in shock.

"Apologies." Lady Lara raised her arms. "I meant only our five representatives." She glanced at Mordzar, Syliane, Sha'Kil, Jardonkha, and Rhengar. " So I suggest that we prepare immediately after the challenge."


No sooner had the Knight's Watch exited their hotel that they were surrounded by dozens of youngsters of all races and bombarded with questions.

"Are you accepting new applicants?"

"Can we join?"

"I promise I'll be a good addition to the guild!"

"I saw your documentary! I want to be a part of the fun, too."

Syliane and Mordzar exchanged bewildered glances as they were engulfed by the throng of eager candidates for their guilds. The Harpy then turned to Lady Lara.

"I don't see why they can't join. Besides, we need more members if we are going to take on Black Hand and other scumbag guilds."

Lady Lara looked thoughtful before turning to address the crowd. "Very well. I will take your requests into consideration although I'd ask for you guys to wait until after the Games have ended for us to begin the initiation rites."

"Okay!" The crowd parted to let them pass.

"I guess our participation in this year's Games are exposing us." Tyreen murmured.

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