The same song and dance

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While I had some down time during the show I checked emails, returned phone calls, and replied to texts. One of which being from Mark.

Mark: Just checking to see how the tour was going.

Me: Same as yesterday.

Mark: Thats good how are you doing?

Me: Great!

Mark: Look you dont have to be so short with me.

Me: I'm sorry Mark but I'm still having a hard time accepting the fact that you slept with my best friend the last time I was on tour and knocked her up.

Mark: I completely understand why your upset but you have to understand this all happened when we were going through a rough time. She was there for me when you couldn't be.

Me: So that makes it ok? We were together for 4 years Mark. We were supposed to get married.

Mark: I'm sorry

After that message I didn't reply back. I didnt have time to. The show was over and everyone was coming backstage. I made my way to Hailey's dressing room to help her take her make up off.

"Great show Hay Hay!"

"Thanks Jay Jay!"

"Ain't it fun living in the real world!" I sang

"Ain't it good being all alone!" Sang Hailey

"Ain't it good to be on your own!" I sang

I realized someone else was singing with me and it wasn't Hailey. It was Kells.

"Aw, why'd you stop?" He chuckled.

"Cause we don't need extra singers. We're a duo not a trio!" Hailey yelled

"My bad I didn't know there was rules and regulations to yalls little sing a long." He laughed putting his hands up and I laughed.

"And whats so funny silent partner." He joked looking over at me.

"Kells, leave her alone can't you tell she's shy?" Hailey announced

"I'm not shy. I just dont have much to say." I laughed

"And she speaks." Kells said smiling.

"Yep and she leaves. I'll see you tomorrow Hay Hay." I said before walking out.


"Bye Jay Jay!" Hailey yelled

"Hay Hay, Jay Jay? How do I get one of those awesome nicknames?" I asked jokingly.

"Shut up Kells!" Hailey laughed

"If I didn't know better I would think I had the plague or something. Everytime I come in here she makes a break for it." I chuckled.

"She's really just shy."

"I can change that."

"Yeah, no, any ways, how are things going with Casie?"

"Well we started seeing a therapist about a month ago but Casie says she doesn't wanna see her again and she hasn't been able to make a breakthrough so, I stopped making her go."

"Give it time Kells, she's gonna be ok."

"God I sure hope so."

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