Rock Bottom

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There was banging on the door of my motel room. In order to get up I had to push the two blondes who were out cold off of me. The pounding didn't stop til I swung the door open.

"What the fuck dude!? Why you bangin on the door like you the damn police?" I questioned.

"Sorry man. I got the stuff you wanted. You do still want it right?"

"Yeah, yeah, here." I said giving him the money.

"Aye man this ain't enough."

"Come on man. You know me. You know I got you just give me sometime I can't get any money right now."

"Sorry I can't."

"Look, look, take this. You can get a couple hundred off this." I said handing him one of my small chains.

He looked it over." You sure this real?"

"Hell yeah its real. I'm Machine Gun mother fuckin Kelly."

He took my word for it and left. As soon as he did I ran to the bathroom and locked the door and that's honestly the last thing I can remember.

Some hours later I woke up in a hospital bed. What the fuck?! I looked around the room searching for someone, anyone, who could tell me why I was here. Shortly after a nurse walked in.

"Good your awake. How do you feel?" She asked me.

"Like fucking shit. What the hell am I doing here?"

"Well Bradley, it seems you partied way to hard last night. Some of your friends brought you in with a drug overdose and then left. May I suggest you get a new group of friends?" She said.

But whose Bradley? The blondes I was with must of given them a fake name. Thank God for that. The tabloids would eat this shit up. I can just see the headlines now: Rapper MGK overdoses in motel. Smh I had to get the fuck out of here before someone realized who I was.

"Yeah your right. Is there anyway you could bring me something to eat I'm starving." I asked

"Yeah it's almost lunch time. They should be coming by with the tray in a few mintues." She said before leaving.

Great, I found my clothes in a bag next to my bed. I ran into the bathroom and threw them on. When I came out I peaked into the hallway to see if the coast was clear. The guy with the lunch trays was already making his rounds. He stopped at one of the rooms by the nurse's station. He had it turned so that it blocked their view, so I decided to make a run for it. After my escape I didn't even know where the fuck I was going.

I walked and walked until I reached a familiar home, Janes. I don't know why I ended up here but I did. I had to walk well over an hour to get there and now I wish I hadn't. I walked to her front porch. I was gonna knock on her door and beg her to take me back. I was gonna pled with her to work things out. I'm only one man and I've made mistakes. I just needed her to give me one chance to make it right.

I raised my fist to knock on the door but stopped when I heard laughter coming from the other side. It was my babygirl. I walked over to one of the windows to get a better look.

"I'm gonna get you!" Drake yelled chasing after her.

"Hey you too, it's time for dinner." Jane called to them.

I watched as they all sat down at the table to eat. Before I knew it tears were running down my cheeks. That was my wife and daughter eating with this man. This was suppose to be my life not his. He just walked in and took them from me. I lifted my fist to knock on the door but couldn't bring myself to do it. They were happy now, without me.

All We Have (MGK Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt