chapter six: broken up cat fights

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at the edge of the cliff

chapter six: broken up cat fight

"Shay!" I heard my name being yelled before I had fully stepped out of the car. I looked around and saw a group of guys standing in front of the house, one waving me over.

"Shay-" Jemma protested. I rolled my eyes and grabbed her arm pulling her over there. She's a little more on the shy side. We're complete oppisites really.

"It's fine. Just stand there and look cute." I whisper to her trying to calm her down, which didn't work at all.

"Now the party is really here." Rick said pulling me to his side. I could smell the alcohol radiating off of him making me scrunch up my nose.

"Who's your friend?" a guy in the circle asks motioning to Jemma. I grin and puller closer to me.

"This is Jemma." I say to everyone. All the guys shamelessly check her out head to toe while she stands there a blushing mess. She gives a little wave and I laugh at her awkwardness.

"Anyone seen Ryder?" I ask no one in particular. A couple of the boys shake their head no and I look around. Bright red hair catches my eye and I stand on my tiptoes to see over everyone. Gigi. "Did you invite her?" I look up at Rick pointing to Gigi. He nods and smiles.

"Hell yeah. She is fucking-"

"A whore, bitch, -" I interrupt him, ready to name off a whole list of things that she is. He laughs and shake his head. I zone out of the guys conversation about her and take Jemma to the side. "We need to find Ryder." I say. She nods and we look around for him.

I felt arms wrap around me, startling me and I scream. A few people look over at us and I crane my head around to see who it was. Ryder looks down at me with a goofy smile and I instantly realize he is drunk.

"Shay! My bestest friend." he hiccups. I roll my eyes laughing.  He tightens his arms around me and sticks his head in my hair. "I'm so glad you made it." he slurs. Jemma watches with a weird look on her face, but when she sees me looking at her she looks down.

"She's here." Ryder declares loudly standing up straight. I know what he means but I can't help but laugh at his state.

"Yeah I know. Do you need to leave?" I ask him shouting over the music that just got louder.

"She looks so pretty." he whines looking down at me.

"I'm gonna go get a drink." Jemma says leaving without another word. I watch her confused because she doesn't drink, but my attention is took away by Ryder pulling me to the hallway.

"Shay." Ryder says suddenly looking serious.

"Ryder."  I mock him. When he is drunk, he is either really reckless, emotional, or clingy. And by the way his arms are around me right now, I'd say he was clingy. But the night was still young.

"I love you." he says squeezing me tighter. I laugh as he tries to lick his nose. "No im serious. Your my sister and I would-" he pauses and hiccups, "fucking kill anyone who hurts you." he says. I smile slightly at his words, even though I know he won't remember a damn thing in the morning.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see red hair talking to someone nearby. Those blue eyes catch mine for a second before he looks back down at Gigi. Ryder follows my eyes and Gigi follows Grayson's. She says something to him making him look at her, then she starts walking over our way. Grayson stays back, just watching us.

"She is coming over here." Ryder says looking down at me frantically. All I do is smirk because I know what is about to happen, and I'm completely ready for it.

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