chapter twenty-nine: paranoia

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at the edge of the cliff

chapter twenty nine: paranoia

Adjusting my bag on my shoulder, I trudge through the crowded hallway. People's shoulders collided with mine as I try and push through. I walk into my first class to be greeted by a sight that honestly made me want to throw up. I walk past the couple making out and sit directly behind them in my seat. Meaning the couple that was sucking faces with each other were...

Grayson and Kira.

It honestly baffles me how he seems like a completely different person at school.

I rolled my eyes deciding that I don't really care, and moved my legs where I was sitting cross legged in the seat. A familiar face walks in and I smile and wave him over.

"What's up buttercup?" Justin smiles widely and sits in the seat beside me. I chuckle.

"Buttercup?" my eyebrow raises at him and he shrugs.

"It felt right. Plus it rhymed." he says. I just nod. A vibration from my phone makes a noise on the desk and I pick it up.

Your lucky Amilio didn't kill you right there in front of the judge. Next time, it won't be Amilio who has his hands around your neck.

I stare at the letters displayed across my phone screen. I could practically feel the color drain from my face.

"Hey, are you alright?" Justin lightly hits my arm bringing my attention back to earth.

"What?" I say. My head felt like it was spinning. "Yeah, I'm good." I say giving him a forced smile. He gives me a look but before he could say anything the teacher started his lesson. And my mind started to wander.

I put up a tough front, and there really isn't anything that scares me. Like actually terrifies me. But my father is someone that make me paranoid by every little noise and he is always in the back of my mind giving me that terrifying smile he would use when he watched me lay on the floor in pain. And Amilio also. When my mom and dad were together when I was younger, I rarely saw him beat her. But I knew he did it when I would see her when she took me to school all bruised up, limping, or cuts on her face. But I was always scared to ask her about it, scared she would get mad. But that day when he almost killed her, I guess that's the day I actually became terrified of my own father. But Amilio beat my mother whenever and wherever he wanted, regardless if I was standing there or not. He did it so effortlessly and showed no emotion whatsoever. But turns out he was getting almost a thousand bucks a week by my father to keep the pain coming for me and my mother.  

Such a simple and easy job for him, but it has caused so much damage.

Just the thought of ever having to go back home with either one of them makes my head throb and my heart speed up and I literally feel sick.

"Ms. Daniels, I get it. None of us want to be here, but at least pretend to listen." I looked to Mr. Pallet and nodded. He gave me a look before going back to whatever the hell he was talking about. I stared ahead but kept getting distracted by a head of dark hair. He turned around and looked at me. "Are you okay?" he whispered. I was kind of surprised when his eyes held the slightest bit of genuine concern. I shook my head no not realizing what I was doing, but immediately nodded.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I say. He gives me a "I'm not stupid, I know your lying." look. I looked down and scribbled in my notebook attempting to get my mind occupied. But it didn't help. For once my mind was aware of every little thing. For once I wasn't in my own little world. That was pretty scary, to be honest.

I stand up when the bell rings and rush out of the classroom, needing to get away from all these people. My thoughts feel like they are drowning me as I push through everyone to get outside. My hands push open the glass doors and I am hit with the cool breeze. I suck in a huge breath and felt air feel my lungs. I ignore everyone that's giving me weird looks and go over to a bench. I was fine until...

Ding ding

I hesitantly pull out my phone to see who texted.

That bench doesn't look very comfortable.

My heart dropped to my feet and I looked around. I couldn't actually see him, but I could feel his eyes. A hand lays on my shoulder and I open my mouth to scream. "Shay?" I hear my name come from a confused voice and I let out a breath.

"You scared me." I whisper to Grayson, still completely on edge. He slowly sits down next to me looking at me weird and confused.

"Sorry. Are you okay?" He asks, his eyes still holding genuine concern. But I couldn't focus on that. He is here. He is following me. "Hey," a large hand grasps mine and I flinch back unintentionally. My eyes wander up until they meet his which looked hurt.

"I-im sorry..." I stutter trailing off.

"Are you okay?" He asks once again. This time I shook my head on purpose. Because I'm not okay. And I don't know what to do. I watch as his eyes flicker back and forth from mine and then he stands up. His hands reaches out and I take it wanting to feel the comfort I get when I am around him.

He takes my hand and pulls me away from that school to his car. We drove for so long and the only thing I could focus on was that right in this moment, with him, I feel safe.




I close my eyes, enjoying the peacefulness of the silent cliff. Well, almost silent. The only sound heard was the waves crashing against the rocks at the bottom. My head was laying on Grayson's chest as his fingers twirled through my hair. I could hear his heartbeat and his chest rose and fell with each breath. "Grayson?" I say. I listen for an answer for a few seconds until he hums in response. "Thanks." I say quietly. I feel him shift under me.

"For what?" He questions confused. I look up at him as he stares down at me.

"For everything." I shrug looking back out ahead of us. His arm that was behind his head, wraps around me and pulls me closer to him.


It also baffles me how quick he can switch to this Grayson. The somewhat kind and caring, almost tolerant Grayson. The one without Kira.

And it also baffles me how quickly I can just trust him. How I just instantly feel all my problems drift away.

But I didn't care in that moment, feeling safe was a feeling I wasn't used to and I wanted to savor it.

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