chapter four: "I'm just keeping all your secrets, aren't I?"

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at the edge of the cliff

chapter four: "I'm just keeping all your secrets, aren't I?"

I hum a random song under my breath as I scan through my closet for something to wear for today.

"You mutherfucker! I am your wife! I have the right to know where you are all hours of the night!" I can hear my step-mom yell from downstairs. I roll my eyes and pull out an oversize gray sweatshirt and pulled the warm material over my head.

"Oh shut the fuck up women, your so cracked up all the time you wouldn't even know when I was home or not!" I could hear my dad scream back. It was silent for about a second before the sound of a slap rang through the house. I freeze in my place and listen.

"I'm going to stay with my sister until you get your shit together." My stepmother says for the sixth time just this week.

"The fuck your ass will." I hear him say. Big footsteps could be heard throughout the house and then there was a big thump. I sat on my bed with my hands over my ears trying to block out the sound of her crying while he beat her.

A white cord hanging from my backpack caught my attention. I get up and instantly put them in my ear. I pull out my phone and hit shuffle on my music. The random song blasts in my ear and suddenly everything was fine. All I could hear was the music.

I slip on a pair of black leggings and combat boots. I look at the small clock on my desk and see i have twenty minutes to walk to school. It's the beginning of fall so it's kind of cold outside, which sucks if your stuck walking to school.

I'm sixteen, I have a car. I am just grounded at the moment. Ryder took me home one night and my dad was watching TV when I walked in. He said that I always hung around guys and accused me of being a whore. So after he left to go fuck one of his other women, I took all of his beers in the refrigerator and set them on fire in the front yard.

He was pissed to say the least. After finding me in my room he beat the shit out of me and took my car.

Slipping my phone safely in my back pocket and pulling my leather jacket over my body, I grab my bag and head out of the window. Yes, out of the window. I try to avoid them at all costs, especially when their fighting because it's ten times worse when they are.

I start my journey towards the school. I didn't mind walking, honestly. I liked being outside, in nature and shit like that. I like to watch the clouds and look at the sky. The sky was particularly gray today.



My mind wanders to the day before. I am determined to figure out what his deal is. His story. There was something about him that intrigued me for some reason. I saw a whole other side to Grayson than the popular, star player boy that he is at school. He looked broke. Depressed. Lost. Alone.

Kind of sounds familiar.




I see Ryder talking to some guy I've probably seen in the halls. Deciding to go talk to him, I make my way through the crowd of people coming up behind him. The boy he is talking to looks at me but I signal for him to be quiet. He looks back and Ryder and laughs. I take this as my chance to jump on Ryder's back making him stumble forward into the other guy.

"Hey" I laugh holding on to him. He puts his hands under my thighs holding me up and chuckles.

"You little shit." he laughs flipping his hair out of his eye. The other guy laughs at the scene.

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