chapter thirty-nine: the next day

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at the edge of the cliff

chapter thirty-nine: the next day

Arms held me down to the bed. Not that I minded, at all. I didn't want to get up and I really don't plan on it. I can feel the sun light pouring through the window cascading down on us, giving a blanket of warmth. The events of last night not even a thought in my mind. I felt at peace. And content. Happy almost. "Hm Shay?" I hear lightly. I knew he was sleeping without even opening my eyes, but I tilted my head up to him anyways. There were two small wrinkles in the middle of his brow from furrowing them, and before I could stop my hand, I reach over and smooth them out with my fingers. I let my hand just rest on his chest as I watched him sleep.

Wow, that sounds really creepy.

"Please. Just. . .stay." He whispers, his face in an adorable pout. He is dreaming about me. Ignoring the cliche butterflies in my stomach, I wonder what he is dreaming about. I also wonder why he is dreaming about me. "You're staring at me." I blink and realize his eyes were now open and he was staring down at me. I scoot away shaking my head.

"What were you dreaming about?" I question, hiding my smirk. I feel his hands go around my waist under the blanket and pull me back to where I was before, maybe even closer.

"You." He says. His voice was rough and scratchy from just waking up. I'm pretty sure my heart rate skyrocketed. I really didn't expect him to say the truth. I figured he would be like embarrassed about it or something and I would make fun of his for it and everything would be playful like it always is, or mostly is. But now the air is thick, his arms are around me, our faces are really close, and my smirk is gone and his is very, very evident on his face. "Do you ever stop overthinking everything?" He chuckles bringing a finger to my nose and poking it. I press my lips together in a thin line and shake my head.

"Nope. Not really." I push myself up where I'm sitting facing him.

"Whatcha thinking about." He asks. He also sits up, leaning against the head bored behind him.

"Last night." I say the first thing that comes to mind. I wasn't thinking about it, but now that I have said it I am. "That was. . .scary." I say truthfully. It was scary. But now its all over. All three of them are in jail, I don't have to worry about them anymore.

"Yeah," he says. I look over at him to see his eyes down, a distant look on his face. "it was." I take a deep breath while we sit there in silence for a few minutes. But I couldn't take the silence. In the silence my thoughts get louder, more clear. I don't like it. So I roll out of the bed and hold out my hand for Grayson. "What?" He questions taking my hand reguardless. I drag him behind me going to the door.

"You're driving me home. Everyone's probably worried." I say quietly. For some reason I didn't want to leave him. I didn't want him to leave me. I wanted us to just lay in his bed for just a while longer. Feeling safe and secure just a while longer.

But I couldn't.

"Where's your parents?" I ask as we reach the bottom of the stairs. The house lay quiet with all of the lights off. I feel Grayson tense and squeeze my hand the slightest bit tighter.

"They uh- they're visiting my grandmother." He says, his voice holding a certain sadness. Which I didn't understand. I glance up at him grabbing his keys out of the pocket of his leather jacket hanging on the coat rack my the door. He looked sad. But also. . .angry? I couldn't tell completely. He also looked as though if I did ask him if he was okay, he'd blow up. So learning from past mistakes, I just stay quiet.

We pull up into my driveway ten minutes later after a silent car ride. I've gotten more used to calling it my house, my driveway, instead of saying Ryder's or Wen's. I get out of the car. When I don't see Grayson get out too, I look back. "You're not staying?" I question. My voice came out a little more soft than I would have liked it too making him snap his eyes over too me.

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