chapter one: the black hoodie

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at the edge of the cliff

chapter one: the black hoodie

I looked over the edge, debating on weather or not to jump. Weather or not let the freezing water at the bottom engulf me whole. Weather or not to let my body go numb just for a second before the shock hits me and I come back to the surface. Back to reality.

The gray waves crashed against the side of the cliff and the wind blew the little droplets in all different directions. I looked up at the gray sky and see a different shade of gray clouds that matched. When I heard leaves crunch from behind me, I wasted no time running to hide. I hid behind the nearest tree and didn't dare breathe, in fear someone would hear me. A tall figure in a black hoodie appeared from the trees and walked to the edge. He pushed the hood off of his head and fell to his knees. He was so dangerously close to the edge and i had the urge to go pull him back. I'd been coming to this cliff and jumping since I was fourteen, so I know where and where not to jump. I know where the rocks are at on the bottom and what parts of the cliffside stick out far enough to hit you on the way down. I watched as the figure stood back up and watched the ground as he walked along the edge. He stopped at one of the parts it was safe to jump, like he knew. I thought I was the only one that came up here.

Guess I was wrong.

He pulled off his hoodie and revealed a black shirt. He slung the hoodie down forcefully and ran his hands through his hair.

"What the hell do you want from me?" he screamed to the sky. I looked up along with him then back down at him. His deep voice sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. He paced back and forth along the edge for what felt like years, mumbling something to himself. He looked insane, and maybe that's what intrigued me. The insanity in people truly come out when they've reached their limit. And he looked as though he has. He stopped and peered over the edge and I'm almost certain he saw where the cliff stuck out. He knew he would hit it of he jumped there. Without thinking I started stomping on the dry leaves making them crunch loudly beneath my feet. He looked around for the person coming to him and I kept stomping behind the tree. I looked around the tree at the mystery persons face. I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped and my heart stopped when I saw him. One more glance around and he was gone in one dark blur.

I walked over to the black fabric that was left in the grass. Grayson Delgato's hoodie lay there on the ground and all I could do was stare at it. My hands involuntarily picked up the hoodie and my feet took me over to the edge. I watched the now still water at the bottom and my mind took me back to how stressed out, angry, and hurt he looked. I've only ever seen him smiling so it was strange to see him like that.

So lost.

I looked at the water one last time before walking back down the other side off the cliff, the hoodie safely in my arms.




Walking into school the next morning, my eyes kept searching for a certain black haired human. I wasn't going to talk to him or anything but nevertheless, my eyes kept scanning the halls. A group of guys at the end of the hall caught my attention. See usually, Grayson is in the middle of the crowd, but today he was replaced with a mini skirt. I rolled my eyes at the fake boobed, blonde headed whore and kept on walking.

"Hey, goth isn't wearing black today." the blonde bimbo spoke putting all the attention on me. I stopped in my tracks and looked down at my skinny jeans and red shirt and then back up to her.

"1-" I held up one finger, "I'm not goth. Its just the few minutes every other week your not sucking someone's face off, you like to look at me and ill happen to be wearing  black that day." I said while a course of 'oohs' flooded through the group of guys. I held up another finger. "And 2, wait ill stop since you can't count that high." Yes, I know that last insult was lame but true. I kept walking towards my class and my eyes looked straight ahead, giving up on finding Grayson.

"Goodmorning Mr. Parrot." I say to the gray- bearded man sitting behind the desk at the head of the room. He looked up from his papers and sighed.

"You would think you would know my name by now Ms. Daniels. Its Pallet. Not parrot."

I chuckle and take my normal seat in the back by the window. I pull my legs up and cross them in the seat. One perk of being short I guess. I watched as everyone eventually starts piling into the room, taking their seats by their friends. I just sat in the back, music blasting in both ears, watching everyone. No, I do not have many friends because there are very few people I can stand. I just really don't like most people. People let you down. People are fake. So why waste time on someone when you know it is waste.

"Alright, books out. Go to page 306 and begin." that was all the teacher said before going back to his desk and digging through more papers. I did the work and was done before everyone, like usual. School grades are what is going to get me into college, and college is what's going to get me out of this town. That's the only way I'm going to really get away.

My eyes drifted to the clock on the wall. Ten minutes left. All eyes went to the door when it was opened. A confused looking Grayson walked into the classroom and searched each chair for someone.

"Mr. Delgato is there something I can help you with?" Mr. Pallet asked. He stood from his chair and walked over to the door in the same time it took Grayson to walk over to Kira, the blonde bimbo. He said two words that made everyone, including me go wide eyed with shock.

"We're done."

With that he walked out and now all eyes were on Kira whose face was so priceless, I couldn't help but laugh. Her head whipped around towards me and I held my mouth shut, holding it in.

It was like in every cliché story where the star popular boy everyone loves and the school slut everyone either has slept with or is scared of. And now her whole world is crashed.

"Was that funny?" she asked glaring at me. I shook my head no but without any warning I busted out laughing. Everyone was now turned around looking at me like I was crazy. Guess I am, but I couldn't help it. It was too damn funny. Just her face made my day. Her whole little world just came crumbling down after two little words from one guy. Its sad and pathetic and hilarious.

"Ms. Daniels, do need a minute out in the hall." Mr. Pallet asked me with an eyebrow raised. I probably do, but I shook my head no once I sobered up. He just nodded and went back to his desk while everyone kept on staring at me.

"Read" I snap looking down at my book. I tried to concentrate on the words but they turned to scribbles once my earbuds were back in my ears.

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