chapter forty-six: the escape

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at the edge of the cliff

chapter forty-six: the escape

"If you talk any louder, someone's gonna hear us." I whisper/yell, standing up on my toes to get somewhat eye level with Grayson. He just rolls his eyes, lightly pushing me back.

"You know were outside of your house right? Not inside." He mutters tossing my small suitcase in the back of his car.

"You know your obnoxious when you talk right?" I retort, plopping myself down into the passenger seat, watching as he gets in beside me.

"Your only saying that cause you know I'm right." He smirks, sending me a playful wink. He backs out of my driveway, keeping his lights off until we were at the end of my road.

I looked up at the midnight sky. It was 12:15 and apparently he had told me to be ready by midnight. I don't recall that conversation. But when he arrived at 11:59, knocking on my window after he had climbed up a tree, I figured it out pretty quickly as I was standing there, the empty bag laying on my bed. But here we are, fifteen minutes later, driving. Just driving. When we made these plans of leaving tonight, we didn't fully specify where we'd be going. We just wanted to go. And I was perfectly okay with that. When he showed up, I could tell something was bothering him. I didn't push it though. This is what this little "trip" is for: an escape from all of our problems. Why would bring them up?

"You look like your living out of you car." I comment, twisting to look at the pile of clothes that had formed in the back seat. He lets out a breathy chuckle.

"I am at the moment, remember?" My eyes flicker to him. Of course he doesn't necessarily look bad. I mean, he's Grayson Delagto, I don't think looking bad is even possible for him. But I know there's something wrong. I can see it in his eyes, hear it in his voice.

"If you still don't wanna go home after we get back, you can stay with me." I casually say, trying to not let my voice show how nervous I was to say that. Why was I nervous you ask. I don't know. I really don't. But I do knows its been happening a lot lately. He keeps his eyes on the road, but a small grin stretches his lips.

"I might take you up on that, princess." He says. I roll my eyes. Of course he had to go and ruin it with that stupid nickname.

"I need a new nickname." I mutter crossing my arms. He laughs out loud this time, making me smile.

The small talk never ends as we keep driving. For once we were just. . .normal. Two teenagers on a roadtrip talking about any thing and everything, no matter how random. And it felt nice. Sometime in between talking about how grilled cheese sandwhiches are disgusting and our favorite childhood tv shows, a comfortable silence settled upon the car. We didn't talk, and it wasn't awkward. The conversation just died out and there we were. Sitting in a silence enjoying eachothers company. I watched the trees pass, occasionally a few houses. I checked the time. 4:36 a.m. We'd been driving that long?

"Shay just go to sleep." Grayson spoke softly about the quiet music that was playing as background.

"Hm?" When I looked over to him is when I noticed how heavy my head and eyes felt. "Oh, I'm not ti-" my body condridicted my mouth and let out a big yawn.

"It's okay. I'll stop at the next motel and we both can get some sleep." He said, his own yawn escaping. We drove for about ten more minutes, me trying so desperately to stay awake. But when Grayson said something about five more minutes, my eyes completely ignored my brain and shut. So I gave in and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.




A bright light made my closed eyes go red and my face scrunch up. I pulled the blanket that I was wrapped in completely over my head. As soon as my body started to go back to sleep, a loud knocking startles me, making me jump which led to me rolling off of the bed onto the hard floor. I let out a loud groan when I hit the floor and heard an abnoctious laugh flood the hotel room.

at the edge of the cliff || ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang