chapter three: kind eyes and orange skies

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at the edge of the cliff

chapter three: kind eyes and orange skies

-Grayson's Point Of View-

I find myself back at the cliff, feet hanging over the edge. I can't believe that Shay girl was the one who was up here. And she took my hoodie after I took off.

There's something about that girl. She's strange. And annoying. Really fucking annoying.

I peer down at the calm water and just watch in a peaceful silence as the sun comes up.

"Looks who's back." I sigh in frustration as the voice comes and sits beside me. I don't say anything to her, I just keep looking at the sky. "Your not going to talk to me?" she asks knowing she is getting on my nerves. I really don't know what this chicks problem is.

"What do you want?" I ask. I look over at her after a couple seconds with no answer. Her head was faced down and a black material of my hoodie was at her fingertips. I watch as her black nails twirled around the strings and her knee brushed against my leg.

"Here's your hoodie." she says handing it over to me. I lay it beside me and keep looking at the sky which was now fully lit with the orange glow of the sun.

"What are you doing?" I ask Shay who was now standing. I watch as she removes her converse and sets her phone in the shoe. She throws the shoes to the side a take a couple steps back. I stand up and watch her in shock. She jogs to the edge and then her body disappears over the edge. "Shay!" I yell after her. I look down at the water just in time to see her go under. My heartbeats speeds up when she doesn't come up. I quickly remove my shirt and shoes and jump in where she did.

A shock went through my body when I hit the water. Everything went numb and I opened my eyes under the clear water. I see her looking at me with her gray eyes, a smile on her face and her black hair fanned out around her.

She looked kind of magical.

My lungs start to scream for air and my legs start kicking to get too the surface. My hands hits the air first and then my head. I open my mouth gasping for air and Shay calmly breaks the surface not out of breath at all.

"Nice of you to join me." she says trying not to laugh. I bring my arms back and splash a wave of water in her face. She squeals and I swim toward the land which is a small beach. I can hear her swimming behind me. I walk on the beach and start to walk back up the cliff to get my shoes and shirt. "Hey!" Shay yells. I turn around and watch her run to catch up. "What's your problem?" she asks, her lip quivering for being cold.

"You. Are. My. Fucking. Problem. " I say slowly taking steps closer to her.  Instead of getting mad or offended like I expected her to, she laughs. Her hair was stuck to her face and I had the urge to move it back. "What are you laughing at?" I ask getting pissed off.

"You. Your always so angry around me." she says sobering up.

"I've been around you twice. And I am angry cause your annoying." I say walking away.

"Your annoying to." she argues. I roll my eyes and grab my shirt. I slip my shoes on and pull my shirt over my head. "So how did you find this place?" she asked casually, like she was talking to a friend.

"How did you find this place?" I ask her. She shrugs and looks around.

"Been coming here for years. But I think you have too." she says. I glance at her and then to the water. How did she know that?

"So what's your deal, pretty boy?" she asks standing beside me. I look down at her confused. "You're this bigshot, player boy at school, then I see you here all-"

"I thought I told you not to talk about that?" I snap turning towards her. My six foot one frame towers over her shorter one but she doesn't look the least bit intimidated.

"Ah that's where you messed up. You thought I was going to listen to you?" she laughs shaking her head. "There's a lot you don't know about me." she says taking a step closer to me like I did to her. Our eyes lock for a couple more seconds until she starts laughing. She seriously is insane, but I felt the corners of my lips tug up.

"What are you laughing at?" I ask her confused. I watch her as her hand covers her mouth while she laughs.

"Your eyes." she says simply. She walks backwards a few steps before turning around to grab her shoes.

"My...eyes?" I repeat her slowly trying to understand what the hell she was talking about.

"Yeah." she nods slight chewing on her pink lips.  "They're so...kind. And really blue. But your really...angry and dark." she says. I raise an eyebrow. My eyes are kind? What the fuck is this girl on?

"Right...anyways-" I trail off walking away. I can hear the leaves crunch behind me as she follows a little ways behind.

"So...what was wrong with you when I saw you here?" I roll my eyes.

"You just don't know when to shut up, do you?" I say glancing back at her. I see her stop and pick up an bright orange leaf, admiring it in her hands. My eyebrows pull together as I find myself stopping to watch her.

"Isn't it pretty?" she asks twirling it by the stem in her fingers. Her black hair was slightly dried now in wild waves framing her freckled face.

"Your extremely  strange." I say holding back a smile that wanted to show. I kept walking through the trees toward my car that I could see up ahead.

"Am I?" she asks looking up at me. Her nose crinkled slightly at the question. She was now walking beside me. She takes the leaf and tosses it up letting it spin in circles until it silently hits the ground.

"You are." I confirm with a nod.

"Is that honestly such a bad thing?"she asks looking around.  

"Maybe," I pause for a moment. "but maybe not." Out of the corner of my eye I could see her look up at me and smile and look back down.

"See ya, Grayson." Shay says quietly walking in the opposite direction of my car that was only a few feet away.

"Your walking home?" I ask looking up at the sky then to her, who was still walking but backwards now. It's a little ways until the town, at least on foot anyways.

"I'm not going home!" she shouts getting farther.

"Where are you going?" I yell after her, finsing myself growing curious. She keeps walking but I can see her shrug her shoulders.

"I don't know yet." she yells. "Its an adventure." she yells turning around walking forward now. I shake my head and get into my car.

There's something about that girl. She is strange.

at the edge of the cliff || ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora