chapter thirty-three: pretty thoughts

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at the edge of the cliff

chapter thirty three: pretty thoughts

I felt as if I was floating on air. I felt happy. I felt safe. I felt amazing. I don't think I've ever felt this way before. I couldn't even sleep last night becuase so much energy was pumping through me. And despite having no sleep, I wasn't the least bit tired.

I stand in front of the bathroom mirror and look at my outfit. I had on black leggings and a white, off the shoulder, long sleeved crop top. My hair was pulled up into a messy bun and my face was coated in natural makeup.

I felt almost. . .pretty.

I honestly don't think I have ever truly felt like that.

I go back into my room needing to get my phone and shoes so I could head out to school. It was pretty chilly outside but I still wanted to walk. The only thought that has been in my head since that last hearing is that my mother is alive and there is a chance she might get out. She isn't dead. I'll get to see her again. I never have to see my father or Amilio again because they got a forty years in prison. I finally feel like I can walk down the side walk worry free. For the first time. . .ever.

When I get to school, I ignore everyone and keep searching for Grayson. I have spent so much time with him lately, but since last week, after the hearing, I haven't seen him as much. So saying that I missed him was an understatment. I don't really know why I missed him, but I did. A crazy, probably unhealthy amount. I see his messy, dark hair standing next to his locker talking to Keegan. For some reason, nervousness settles upon me. I didn't know wheather to go talk to him or not.

All of that disappeared when he sent me that award winning smile.

I skipped over to him, all my happiness flooding back and I jumped into his arms. He stumbled but caught me laughing. "What's got you so happy?" He asked setting me down, his hands resting on my waist. I grinned up at him.

"Everything!" I exclaim loudly making him laughing again.

"Me?" He asked a smirk playing his lips. I nod.

"Even you." I say standing on my toes and poking his nose. I take a step back and see that his friend left. Grayson keeps faint smile playing on his lips as he looks down at me. For some reason, I got shy. Like, what the hell? When does that happen to me? I look down for a moment then back up and his face hasn't changed.

"What?" I ask quietly. He grabs my hands, intertwining our fingers and swinging them a little. I just stood there letting it all happen.

"Happy looks really, really, really good on you." He says slowly. I bit my lip holding back the grin that wanted to show. Platinum blonde hair makes me pull away from him and take a step back. "What's wro-"

"Hey Gray." Her nasily voice says. I hear him sigh and I still don't look up.

"I'll see ya later." I mumble leaving them alone. He starts to protest but stops when she pulls him to her, smashing their lips together. I don't let the bimbo ruin my mood.

Not much anyway.

I start searching the halls for Ryder, realizing I didn't see him this morning. He has been spending a lot of time with Jemma, which is fine, but I'm starting to miss him. We don't hang out as much despite us living together. We usually would go to parties together or hang out at his fights, but now that Jemma is in the picture, I bail on them most of the time not wanting to be the third wheel.

I don't see Jem or Ryder, but I do see Justin. He will do. He was opening his locker so I decide to sneak up on him. I slowly walk over, but before I completely reached him, I guess he sensed me and turned around. He gives me a weird look and closes his locker. "I was tryna sneak up on you." I laugh. He just nods which was a little off for him. I haven't known him long, but he usually wasn't quiet like he was being now.

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