chapter twelve: kicked out

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at the edge of the cliff

chapter twelve: kicked out

I rolled over when Ryder entered the room but was turned back over not one second later. "Alright Shay listen. I know your in pain and don't wanna talk but I need to know what happened. It's been a week. Come on." He pleads. I take a look around the hospital room that I was still in and everything was so bright. Too bright. I remember when that's how I liked it. Open and bright. Just a week ago, but it feels like forever.

"Could you pull the curtains together." I ask, my voice scratchy from only saying very few words this past week. He sighs and stares at me for only a moment before going to pull the curtain together. I haven't told him what happened; I haven't told anyone what happened. I could have left the hospital days ago, but I told them I needed a few more days. It's really only because I don't have any other place to go.

Parent of the year award goes to: my father.

Yes, he kicked  me out.

"You know you can talk to me,  right?" He says out of nowhere after such an eternity of silence. Everything has been silent lately. I look down and nod.  "Then why don't you?" He asks. I could tell he was getting frustrated but trying to stay calm. I close my eye and take a deep breath.

"I will," I nod opening my eyes, "just not now." I say. He looked disappointed in my answer but nodded and smiled nonetheless.

"So when do you get out of here?" He questions. I open my mouth to say something, but the door opened.

"She could have left three days ago." The doctor said walking in. I mentally curse him and send him my best glare and he just gives me a weird look. Ryder looked down at my pathetic body lying there on that hospital bed.


"I don't have any place to go." I whisper defeated and soft enough where the doctor can't hear. The doctor noticed that we didn't want him hear and excused himself from the room. We sat in silence and I knew he was waiting for me to explain. "I got kicked out." I say after a few seconds. He sighed and I suddenly felt bad for not saying something before.

"Why didn't you come to me?" He asked sitting beside me on the bed. I scoot over and he lays beside me. His arm goes around my shoulders and I lean into him. "You should have come to me Shay." He says.

"I know, i'm sorry" I say. He just pulls me into a hug and pecks my forehead. I start laughing and he looks at me weirdly. "Im pretty stupid, huh?" I laugh.

"You said it. Not me." He says grinning down at me. I watch him questioningly while he stands up an holds out a hand. "Come on. My mom misses you anyway." He says. I smile and he pulls me up gently helping me stand up. I have deep, now stitched up, cut on the side of my foot from the rocks cut me.

But the rocks are not the thing that did the most damage to me.

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