chapter fifty-three: the moment

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at the edge of the cliff

chapter fifty-three: the moment

The sun rose up and over the horizon, where the sky meets the water. My feet dangled off as I sat so dangerously close to the edge. I wasn't going to jump. I wasn't going to do anything. Just watch. The water rippled as a rock from the cliff, detaching itself from all the other rocks, crashing down until it hits the water, falls, do doubt sinking to the very bottom. That's how I felt. At the very bottom. Stuck in some sandy, muddy gunk at the bottom of the ocean.

Grayson never called. Never texted. Missed school yesterday. Didn't talk to him for that entire weekend after I left- well after he kicked me out. I haven't heard from him. Haven't even caught a glimpse of him in three days. To say I was worried? That'd be an understatment. To say I was hurt? That'd also be an understatement. And to say I was pissed? That would. . .just be accurate. I was pissed because in my opinion he handled that situation all wrong. But on the other side of things, maybe I had said too much. Maybe I overstepped. Maybe I was too harsh. Maybe I was just being a complete and utter bitch. Maybe this is my fault.

Or maybe-

I was right? That could be a possibility too right? That I was right? I said just what I had to say, hoping he would realize what he was doing to his parents.

My ears perked up at the faint sound of leaves crunching. I stood up quietly but quickly and froze. Is someone here? Another crunch followed by a familiar growl of frustration. I feel my eyes go wide as I dart for the trees, hiding behind one as I listened. I peak around the tree just in time to see Grayson stumble out of the trees. His black hair was messy, his arms hung loosely at his sides, his face was paler that usual, and he gripped a liquor bottle in one of his hands. 

I instantly think of the first day that I saw him here. Just like this. In this same situation. Except then I knew nothing about him. I had never spoken to him. We were invisble to each other. Or so I thought. I never really knew how he knew my name the first time I spoke to him when I got my shirt caught in my locker. Now I know things about him no one else does and he knows things about me I would never even think of even saying out loud. I've seen him at his worst, and he's seen me at mine. We've been through a lot together.

So I knew that I couldn't just turn around and leave like I never saw him. I couldn't leave him drunk and on a cliff. I sigh and start making my way towards him. He spins around a little to quickly when he hears me approaching and gets dizzy causing him to crash to the ground. I cross my arms and look down as I stand over him. When his foggy eyes meet mine I could see all of the pain and hurt he felt, I could see the war going on inside of him.

"Shay?" He ask confused. He probably is checking to see if he is hallucinating or not. I puff out my cheeks in a big sigh as I sat down beside him.

"Gray, what are you doing?" He stops trying to sit up when I put my hand on his chest and push him down where he is flat on his back.

"What are you doing?" He questions in a big slur. I subconsciously push his hair out of his eyes as he looks up at me.

"Why are you drunk? What happened?" I ask even though I don't even know if he can understand me.

"You." He stated bring the bottle back to his lips, but of course he was laying down to the liquor poured all of his face. He groans sitting up, chucking the bottle over the side of the cliff.

"What did I do?" I ask. I wasn't getting upset or mad. I had no energy for that.

"I- you- we- what are we? I really- I just- and then the other day- I- you made me mad but you were right- its just- arg." He stumbles over his words before falling back onto his back, covering his face with his hands, frustrated. I didn't know what to say. I'm not even sure what he said. All I do know is now is defiantly not the time to talk to him. He's drunk. Okay, so maybe this is the perfect time to talk to him. Since he is drunk, maybe he'll open up a bit and be truthful.

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