chapter twenty: drunken memories

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at the edge of the cliff

chapter twenty: Drunken memories

I walk into the class knowing were starting the stupid project today. The hangover I had this morning was just the cherry on top of waking up in Grayson's house not remembering the night before. I snuck out before he woke, not wanting to hear what I did and why I was at his house. A part of me is hoping he doesn't show so I wont be even more embarrassed.

"Im so excited for this project." that Sara girl squeals plopping down in the seat next to me. I hold my tongue and just nod at her. I do not need any more fights or detentions.

Keep it together, Shay.

You can do this.

"Hello Ladies." Grayson sits in a chair turned around to us. I internally groan and my head starts to involuntarily hit the table. I guess my brain just wants me to go unconscious now. I don't disagree with it.

"Alright people," the teacher speaks in the front of the room. "Project time. I expect this to be done by the end of the week, giving you three days. It explains everything on page 28 in your books, so please just work and get it done." I stop trying to give myself a concussion when a paper is placed in my desk by the teacher. I look at it but my brain doesn't let me focus on it.

"Should we work after school so its certain we get done on time?" Sara suggests looking at both of us. Of course she would want to do that.

"No" I say immediately.

"Yes." Grayson says at the same time as me. I glare at his grinning face and I feel the urge to punch him. "We should all meet at Inside Outsiders at seven." Grayson says but it sounds like he is ordering. I think back to when I got a job there and never made it. Maybe I could talk to them again and see if I could get it.

Still really need the money.

"Isn't that on the bad side of town?" Sara asked her smile faltering. I smirked as she got scareder.

"Its completely safe though." Grayson says to here smirking. She nods hesitatingly.




"See you guys at seven." Sara waves walking away from me and Grayson. I finally breathe normally again, not having to hold my tongue. That girl is so energetic it gives me anxiety. My eyes roll to the back of my head when a muscular arm is thrown over my shoulder.

"Missed you this morning." Even though i wasn't looking at him, i could hear the smirk in his voice.

"As far as i know, you drugged then kidnapped me." I say pushing him off of me.

"Well then let me help you remember that you called me all hopped on drugs asking for a ride." he said. I looked over at him.

"I did that?" i ask groaning at my stupidness. Guess that would explain why i was at his house. But i still have no idea what i did.

"Oh yeah." he nodded. "When i showed up, you couldn't have been happier about me being there." he said smugly.

"Did I do anything stupid?" i ask looking up at him. "Other than calling you?" I add. He asks like he is thinking really hard and then grins nodding.

"Your inner second grader came out and you asked if we could be friends." he laughed. I mentally slap myself. "Then-"

"Theres more?!" I say a little too loudly catching the attention of a few people. Grayson nods.

"If i remember correctly your exact words were 'im not pretty enough for you to fuck'" he said fake crying, I'm guessing trying to mock me. My eyes went wide.

"I did not!" I protest even though I have no recollection of what happened last night.

"Oh princess, but you did." he chuckles pulling me to his side. He pats my head like a child. "See you at seven." he says starting to walk away. I watch still in shock while he walks away. A few feet down the crowded hall he stops and turns around. "Make that six-thirty! Im picking you up!" and with that his disappears into the crowd of people who were now looking at me.




-Grayson's Point Of View-

I internally groan when I hear my father's voice call my name. I look up the stairs. I was so close to being free, for a little bit at least. I start back down the stairs and to his office.

"Yes?" I ask in a bored tone leaning against the wall. He motions to the two chairs sitting in front of his desk. He takes off his glasses and lays them on the desk while I sit down. Always so professional. Never just a father.

"Your brothers anniversary is tomorrow." As soon as those words left his lips my heart started to drop. "Will has been gone for two years now, and your mother wants to have memorial party this year." he says stopping for a second. Memorial party? A party? So a party on their dead sons anniversary?

"Why so can drink away the problems you don't wanna face?" the words slip through my lips in a bored tone. My father's face turns red and he slams his hands on the desk.

"Don't talk to me like that!" he yells standing in front of me. I stay seated trying to put off a bored face but something inside me is screaming.

"No I will talk to you like that because ever since he died, you haven't been much of a father, have you?" I chuckle dryly at the end. He looks at me shocked.

"Y-you have no right to talk-"

"I-i dont?" I mock him smirking. I stand up. I'm ready to walk out when a hand lands on my shoulder. My shoulders tense and I turn around.

"We're all hurting. But that doesn't give you the right-"

"Fuck off." I shrug him off and walk out of the house making sure to slam the door. I stand on the porch and look up with my eyes close my eyes, needing at least a second to breath before I go to my car.

Every time someone brings up Will, I completely flip shit. I shut down. I cannot talk about him or what happened. I know my parents are hurting and they miss him, but I lost my big brother, my idol, my best friend.

I'm hurting too.

So they can kiss my ass.

I don't know if they actually care about that anymore now their favorite, perfect child is dead.

I get in the car and drive to Shay's house. I don't know why but that's where my car took me and i wasn't mad about that. I glance at the clock. 6:00. Being a little early won't hurt. Plus bugging her might take my mind off of things.

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