chapter thirty-five: a simple question gone wrong

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at the edge of the cliff

chapter thirty-five: a simple question

Hand in hand, we walked into Dylans apartment building. Grayson pushed the up button on the elevator making it open. I immediately grab on to the railings and grip his hand tighter. When it opens I pull him out quickly making him chuckle. We reach Dyalns door and he knocks. "Its open!" I hear his voice on the other side. Grayson opens the door letting us in. Dylan yelled at us from in the kitchen so we followed his voice. "Hey kid!" He says loudly putting down the spoon he was using to stir whatever was in the pot on the stovetop. He pulls me into a hug ruffling my hair as I laugh.

"Hey." I say when he lets go. Grayson lets out a breath beside me which I found adorable. He was jealous. I don't fully understand why though. But I wasn't going to spend too much time thinking about it.

"So should we go to the other room?" Grayson asked Dylan. I looked up at the both of them as they towered over me. Dylan nodded. "I'll be back in a sec." Grayson said to me and I just nodded. I stood there for a moment just looking around before going back into the living room to sit down. Ten minutes went by, and I was still sitting on the couch. Alone. The doorbell rings. I look over the couch down the hallways to see if Dylan was going to come answer the door. Instead, he sticks his head out the room a little.

"Can you get that?" He asks. I roll my eyes and stand up, going over to the door. I stand on my toes to look through the peak hole. A girl with sandy blonde hair is standing there. I open the door and smile, which she doesn't return.

"Who are you?" She asks in a, I wouldn't say rude, but a half rude half confused way.

"Shay." I deadpan. "Come in." I push open the door and go back to sit on the couch. She walks in and loudly shuts the door. I act like I am on my phone while she stands there for a second.

"Dylan!" She yells. I look up at her annoyed which she replies with a sarcastic smile. He comes out of the room fully this time, Grayson in tow behind him. I take note of how he shoved something in his pocket as he walked out.

"Diana." Dylan says pulling the girl into a hug. "I missed you." He said ruffling her hair when they pulled away. She fixes it. Grayson comes over and plops down next to me. I lean over.

"Who is she?" I whisper to him.

"Diana." He whispers back. I slap his chest.

"I got that, dipshit. Who is she?" I ask still watching her and Dylan talk. Grayson chuckles.

"His sister." He states. I looked her up and down. It makes sense now. They both were incredible gorgeous, with perfect facial structures, and sandy blonde hair. "So you ready?" He asks me standing up. I shrug and let him pull me off the couch to his side.

"Bye Dylan." I wave, blankly ignoring the girl. I don't know, I just don't like her. She gave off wierd vibes.

"Gone so soon?" He asks walking around the black leather couch and over to us. He does some wierd handshake with Gray and gives me a quick hug.

Now back in the car, I thought about how short of a trip that was. I also thought about why we really went there. My mind then takes me back to the first time he took me to Dylan's. He asked Grayson what could he get him. "Grayson?" I ask keeping my head laying against the cool window. He hums in response staying focused on the road. "Is Dylan like," I ask hesitantly. I knew Grayson smoked weed every once and a while, but he could do something else. Or he could just smoke a lot more than I think and Dylan is his supplier. When I don't get an answer I sit up, turning completely to face him. "Did you hear me?" I ask, trying not to get annoyed. I kept my voice calm and cool and somewhat quiet. He nods, his jaws clenching together. "Are you going to answer my question?" I say slowly, mostly just to stay calm.

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