chapter twenty-three: false assumptions

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at the edge if the cliff

chapter twenty three: false assumptions

"Bitch I'm here! Get out the bed!" i yell at Jemma walking into her room. She groans and pulls the blankets over her head.

"Language Shay!" Jemma's mom yells from somewhere downstairs.

"Sorry!" i yell back holding in my laugh. I walk over to Jem and jump on her bed.

"She really doesn't like you." Jemma says still hiding in her blankets.

"And I really don't blame her." I say making us both laugh. Jemma finally sits up after a second. I get off of her bed and go into her closet.

"What are you doing?" I hear Jemma yell. I ignore her and look through her clothes. I surprisingly find a crop top and take it off of the hanger. I also grab a pair of skinny jeans and walk out. "What are you doing?" she asks again now sitting at the edge of her bed.

"Getting you all cute because Ryder has his biggest fight tonight and when he wins were going to a party." i say tossing the clothes at her. She looks at them and shakes her head.

"Nope. I've worn this skimpy stuff before and I'm not doing it again." she says still shaking her head. I roll my eyes.

"Come on. As soon as you put those on we need to leave if we're gonna get there on time." I say shoving the clothes to here again.

"Why aren't you gonna wear something else." she asks pointing to my outfit. I look down at my cropped hoodie and sweatpants and then to her.

"Because I'm not trying to impress anyone." I say in a duh tone. "But you on the other hand..." I pick up her clothes and push her into the bathroom. "Have someone to impress so get your ass in there and fix yourself up." I say pushing her in and closing the door. I hear her mumble something and I just laugh.




I'm standing with Ryder, Jemma, and Barry when I see a familiar mask out of the corner of my eye. "I'll see you guys out there." i say. They all look at me weird as I walk towards him but soon all walk away. I walk up to Grayson who had his head leaned against the wall. I did the same.

"What are we doing?" I ask after a minute. He groans and pushes himself off of the wall only to stumble back. "Are you drunk?" I ask him laughing. He looks up at me to have his eyes look to the left instead of at me. I can't help but laugh at his state. I watch as he pulls a weird face.

"Pshh no." he says falling against the wall. I watch laughing as he slides down the wall in a sitting position. I sit down facing him and watch him curiously. Why did he get drunk when he has to fight? "I'm not drunk." he hiccupped. "Earlier i was I'm on a whole nother level" He giggled.

"You realize you can't fight like this, right?" I say to him. I mean it would be funny as hell watching him stumble around while Ryder beat the hell out of him, but I'm not that cold hearted.

"I can and I will." he protested. His arms goes around me and he scoots me I'm where I'm beside him. "But its nice of you to worry bout me." his head rest against mine which he pushed on his shoulder.

"Your gonna get murdered out there." i warn him. He shrugs, his face suddenly turned sad. His eyes fall to the ground and he sighs.

"I deserve it." he says making me wonder what happened.

"Your up." two legs stand in front of us making us both look up. A bold guy holds out his hand and Grayson takes it. He stands up, still unstable and follows the guy out without another word. I sit there for another few minutes just lost in thought before i decide I should probably head out there too.

"Where ya been?" Barry says giving me a side hug.

"Just wondering around." I reply vaguely. His attention is soon turned to some other guy. I look around and see Jemma giving Ryder a hug before he goes into the ring. I smile slightly. She is good for him. After Gigi he only slept around, and I haven't seen him with anyone since they started talking. Jemma still doesn't believe he likes her, but I'm working on that.

My heart drops when a hand goes over my mouth and another on my eyes. "Guess who?" a deep voice says. I elbow the person in the chest and turn around. "Chill!" the blonde curly headed boy said holding his chest.

"What the fuck, Dylan?!" I shriek reaching up and hitting him in the head. "You scared me." I say crossing my arms.

"Sorry" he laughs. I roll my eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him. I've never seen him here before.

"Your boyfriend called me saying he's gonna need a ride home after getting his ass beat, so I'm being a good friend." he explains pointing over to Grayson. I follow his finger with my eyes to see him drinking water.

"He is not my boyfriend." I say once again to him.

"Sure." he nods smiling. I roll my eyes. The loud voice over the speakers brought everyone's attention to the ring. I learned Ryder wasn't fighting him tonight so maybe he won't die. But Ryder had the chance to win some big money tonight if, I mean when he wins.

"He is drunk." I say to Dylan when Grayson attempts to throw a punch but completely fails. Dylan laughs beside me and I glance up at him. My mind goes back to when Grayson took me to his apartment and how sketchy they were both acting then. A loud ding brings me back to the fight and next thing I see is a paramedic rushing to the now knocked out drunk lying on the floor with a bloody lip and black eye. I look up at Dylan and he just shakes his head.

"Should we go?" he asks. I look up at him then to Grayson.

"Yeah." I sigh. We push our way through all of the people and go to our drunken friend. "Is he dead?" I ask the paramedic bored. Obviously I know he is not, but just double checking.

"No but he was intoxicated. So that would explain the unconsciousness." I just nod. I knew that.

"I'm just gonna take him back to my place." Dylan says looking down at me. "I know he doesn't want to be home right now." he goes to Grayson who is now awake but is still groggy. What did he mean by that?

"Why would he not want to be home?" I ask going beside him.

"His parents are having a memorial party for Will." he says. Memorial party? What is that? Who is Will? Is he dead?

"Will?" I say looking up at him, voicing all my confusion in the simple word. He stops and looks at me just as confused.

"He hasn't told you?" he asks. I shake my head and he sighs. "It's not my place. But don't bring it up if he doesn't want to tell you. Its a touchy subject." he said helping his friend off of the table he was lying on. "See ya." he says with his arm around Grayson helping him out of the building.

"Shay?" I hear my name come from Grayson whose head was hanging down. I go over to them. "Come with me." he pleads, his words still slurring. I hear some cheering and think back to Ryder. He will be fine without me right? He has Jemma, plus he'll be drunk in less than an hour so he won't remember. I feel a warm hand take mine and Grayson smile goofily at me. "Please." I roll my eye and nod. Dylan chuckles.

"And you guys say your not together." he shakes his head and I follow him out to his car.

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