chapter nine: stupid smirks

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at the edge of the cliff

chapter nine: stupid smirk

The bell rung for lunch and I couldn't get out of that classroom fast enough. All day I have been getting looks from people, most likely about my black eye and bruised cheek. Okay defiantly about my back eye and bruised cheek. This time it unfortunately couldn't be covered with makeup. But the good part is everyone heard about my fight with Gigi so they think it's from that. Grayson, on the other hand, knows it's not from her. That's a problem. A big one. And I'm pretty sure some people know she couldn't have done that to me, just because I don't lose fights. So that's also a problem.  

"Hey Isabella." A voice says walking along side me. I look over to see Ryder. I elbow him in the stomach and he laughs.  

"Don't call me that." I say making him laugh again. "So where'd you disappear to when you left last night?" I ask casually, wanting to get some answer from him. I have the slightest suspicion that he was lying about where he disappeared to last night. And by the way he tensed up and cleared his throat, I knew I was right. I look up a him suspiciously.  

"I told you. I needed to get out of there." He says vaguely. He has been acting weird lately. Now that I think about it, so has Jemma. I still need to talk to her.

The subject changes to his little brothers as we walk to the cafeteria. Blue eyes lock with mine, and I look away. I can still feel his eyes on me as I try to pay attention to Ryder. I glance back a Grayson who was still staring at me and flip him off. I ignore the small smirk he throws back.

"What's your deal with that guy?" Ryder question.  

"What?" I play dumb, knowing exactly what he was talking about. He opens his mouth but I stop him. "Oh look, there's Jemma." I wave her over to us. Ryder looks over his shoulder.

"Uh, I gotta go." He says quickly walking away. My eyes follow him out of the hall and i feel Jemma standing beside me.  

"Do you know what that's about?" I ask her turning around. She shakes her head no a little to quickly and I give her look."Anyways, why did you leave last night?" I ask seeing if she was lying about where she was. Her eyes flicker to the right then back to me, telling me right away she was lying as well.

"I told you. Mom needed me home." Nothing. I nod hesitantly not believing her at all. "So I'm assuming you did beat that girl's ass?" She laughs reaching out and touching my cheek. I flinch  and nod.

"She got a few hits, but not much." I lie. I wouldn't even call those hits. It was more like scratches and hair pulling. So basically it was one sided fight. Well, the one at the party was. I guess the one at home was too, but this time it wasn't in my favor.

Jemma laughs and we part our separate ways for lunch. I really wish she would eat in the cafeteria because Ryder is always with a girl. Not that I don't mind being alone, just sometimes I want to talk to someone.  

I go into the crowded cafeteria and find an empty table in the back corner. My eyes scan every table just looking at people. I see Ryder standing in a small circle of guy laughing and talking. I could easily just walk over there with them and talk and hang out, but i'm not the people type.  

I notice Grayson in the same group of guys just talking.  My mind keeps taking me back to that day on the cliff. He looked so broken and depressed now he was there laughing like nothing. Maybe it was nothing. Maybe I was looking way too far into this and it was just a bad day for him and he just so happened to go to the cliff the same time I was there. It was just a coincidence.

But that's another thing. I don't believe in coincidences.

Everything happens for a reason.

If it didn't, absolutely nothing would make sense. But the again, nothing makes sense anyway.




History is a class I rarely show up for just because of the people who are in there. I don't like to deal with Kira and all of her friend's bullshit just because it is a waste of my time. But something told me I shouldn't go after class and get the work, a voice in my head told me to go to class.

So I did.  

I walk into the room and see only a few people in the room. First time I have ever been this early to a class. I sit in the middle of the last row. I notice that the board at the from of the room says two words I hate seeing in a classroom. Group project. I look over at the teacher who was writing something and decide I still had time to leave. But just as I stood the tardy bell rung and everyone starts filing in the classroom. I curse under my breath and sat back down.

"I'm pretty sure the point of that bell is to tell everyone you already are supposed to be in class." The teacher says standing up. She walks over to the board and look down at the paper in her hand. She is interrupted by the door opening and Grayson walks in.  

"Again children. Pay attention to the bell system here." She says in the most bored tone ever. I go back to my phone that was hidden under the desk and I was perfectly fine until I felt a body next to mine. I don't even look up to know that it is Grayson. I ignore him and just pay attention to my phone. Let's just say I didn't want to talk to him right now.  Last night, well technically this morning, he saw me-well, ya know, like he saw me. I was all. . .vunrable. So not how anyone has ever seen me. Not even Ryder has seen me like that and he knows about my situation. He has only seen me the day after and then I'll stay a day or two at his house so I can heal a little bit before it starts all over.

I'm just grateful he didn't really push the subject, but something was telling me that that conversation wasn't over.

But I'll pray that it is anyway.

"Alright. All of you saw the bored. Group project. Meaning work as a group. And before you look over to your friends, I'll be picking." She says eyeing all of us.

"Kira and Phillip and Dawson."

"Shay, by the way nice of you to join us today." She says bringing the attention to me.  

"Wish I could say it was nice to be here." I say making a few people laugh. She goes back to what she was doing. Which I had feeling who at least one of them was.

"So Shay, Sara, and,"

Let me guess.

"and Grayson." Ding ding ding we have have winner!

I called that.  

"Of course." I whisper to myself. At least I have Sara. Granted have absolutely no idea who that is, but at least I'm not alone with him.  

"You don't sound to happy about that." The voice makes me roll my eyes and turn to the person. A.k.a Grayson. "Gotta say, I am offended." He says smirking putting a hand on his chest.  

"Wish I could say I was sorry but I'm not fan of lying." I reply smoothly, turning in my seat to face him. He chuckles and we both look over to a girl standing beside us.  

"Hey, I'm Sara." She pipes up way to perky for my liking.  

"Of course you are." I groan. She looks at me weirdly but the smile never leaves her face.

"Pull up a chair. This is gonna be fun." Grayson says to her looking over to me, rubbing his hands together evily.

Man, I wish I could slap that stupid smirk off of his face.

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