chapter twenty-four: confessions and bipolar impressions

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at the edge of the cliff

chapter twenty four: confessions and bipolar impressions

I wake up with the tight grasp of strong arms around my waist. I open my eyes too see unfamiliar light blue walls. I move the arm and sit up looking around. Grayson's sleeping body lay next to me and I remember I am at Dylan's. He brought us back to his apartment and we slept in his guest room. I hear a groan and then Grayson sits up beside me.

"What the fuck?" he asks looking around. His eyes squint as he looks back at me. "Where are we?" he asks confused his eyebrows pulling together.

"Dylan's" i simply reply. He still looks confused.

"Why are you here?" he asks.

"Wow, don't sound to happy about me being here." I say sarcastically falling back down in the silky sheets. He chuckles and he lays down beside me.

"Sorry babe, just tryna figure out what's going on." his chin rests on my shoulder. The word babe rolled off of his tongue making a weird feeling settle upon me.

"Well," I start. I turn towards him and our faces are only inches apart. "in your drunken state, you asked me to stay with you. And your pleading was so pathetic, I felt sorry and agreed." I say smiling when he rolled his eyes.

"Why don't I believe you?" he asks pulling me into him. I shrug and snuggle further down into the warm bed. I sigh in content. Content. Why do I feel like that? I try not to question it too much.

An event from last night popped into my head. "Who's Will?" I ask softly tracing random figures on his bare chest. I feel him tense and I regret asking it. "You don't have to answer that. Dylan just said something and thought I knew about it and I-"

"He was my brother." he stops my rambling with his deep voice now filled with sadness. I continue tracing shapes on him, seeing as he relaxed as I did it.

"What happened to him?" I question carefully not wanting to make him mad. I hear him sigh and he rested one of his hands on his stomach.

"A couple years ago...he uh- he died from cancer." he said it with such sadness and brokenness in his voice I wish I could take back asking him. I grab his hand and lace are fingers in attempt to comfort him. He squeezed my hand.

"I'm sorry." I whisper snuggling into his chest more. He brought our intertwined hands to his lips and planted the softest peck against my knuckles.

"Yeah. Me too." he breathes out. We lay in silence until i speak up.

"My mom died," I say closing my eyes, "just last week, or maybe the week before." I don't know why I told him but it came out. He moved to where he was propped up on his elbow and hovering over me.

"Shay you don't have to-"

"She was in jail. I hadn't seen her in years." I interrupt him. I finally look in his eyes that hold sadness now for the both of us.

"Why was she in jail?" he asks bringing his hand up to my face and brushing my cheek softly.

"My dad had always been abusive and when I was twelve she finally had the courage to leave. She found Amilio, remember him?" I pause to ask him. He just nods. "He was like a blessing at the time. He had money to help us out but he also was so nice to us. Turned out my dad hired him to marry my mom just so he would know everything we were doing. He started paying Amilio to hit my mom, and she took it not wanting me to go through another divorce. But when he went after me-" I take a breath. "She freaked and stabbed him. He called the cops and told them she attacked the both of us and she got arrested."

at the edge of the cliff || ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ