chapter fifty-seven: "Kiss me again."

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at the edge of the cliff

chapter fifty-seven: "Kiss me again."

Remember that peaceful night of laying in the bed? Yeah. I guess that's not happening. Wen was napping on the couch when I got home and my mom was still at work. So I went upstairs and crawled into bed, just like planned, and fell asleep. But now as I lay in bed, still half asleep, I was surrounded by darkness and there was a tapping on my window. Of course, I thought I was dreaming at first, but as my eyes opened more and more, I realized that I wasn't. I lay there frozen in fear for a moment as I listened. Until. . .

I heard a grunt.

And the tapping got a little louder.

I huff, rolling my eyes as I rolled out of bed. The cool air hit my bare legs making me shiver. I'm going to kill him. I opened the curtain, and just like I expected, Grayson was there. His finger froze mid tap and he stared at me through the glass. He was clutching onto the side of the window trying to hold himself up. I crossed my are.

"Open the window." He said, he pleaded. I just stood there. Why would he think I'd let him in? He pulled himself up even more when his feet started to slip, so I finally opened the window, letting him climb inside. I went over to my bed and sat down. I heard his footsteps approaching anf then the bed dipped beside me. I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what to say. I wanted to ask what he was doing here, even though it was no doubt about what happened earlier.

I wondered again what happened afterwards.

"Listen." He starts, running his hand through his hair that was even more disheveled than it was earlier today. "I- what you- it-" he struggled with saying what he wanted to making me glance over at him. He met my eyes. "Can we go somewhere? Please?" His voice was desperate, so maybe that's why I agreed. He let out a sigh of relief and stood up, holding his hand out for me to take. I didn't though. I couldn't. All that ran through my mind was where his hands were after I left him. Were they on Kira? I looked up at him as he turned away just in time to see the lost and pained look on his face.

"I'll be down in a minute." I say quietly. Without saying any thing, he dissappears back out of the window.

For some reason, I felt embarrassed. I was acting like a jealous girlfriend who caught her boyfriend cheating. Granted, I have never been cheated on. Unless you count in the fifth grade when I had my first boyfriend and we agreed we wouldn't play four square with anyone else, but the next day I caught him in the act of doing just that with a girl in our class. But I've never really been cheated on, so I don't know what that feels like.

I've also never had a serious relationship. Nothing that has lasted over a month. Just little flings here and there.

But what I have with Grayson, whatever is it, feels so different from those flings though. Maybe that's why I got so upset about seeing him today, with her. They have history. They've been together long before I even saw Grayson on the cliff that first day.

As I stood in front of the bathroom mirror pulling my hair into a bun, I remembered how I felt earlier when I stood in this same spot. Feeling happy.  What happened?

A stupid boy.

I chuckle dryly to myself. This what I wanted right? To have my biggest problem about normal girl things- like a boy.

I left on my fuzzy sleeping shorts and just pulled on an oversized hoodie. I slipped on some shoes and grabbed my phone before heading downstairs. I slipped out of the house quickly and quietly. Walking slowly down the steps, I watch Grayson. He was propped up against his car, arms crossed, head hanging low. I cleared my throat now standing in front of him. He looked up. The midnight moon hit his face perfectly, but his lips were in a frown, his eyes held no shine in them whatsoever. He looked exhausted and depressed.

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