chapter sixty-two: not okay

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at the edge of the cliff

chapter sixty-two: not okay

-Grayson's Point Of View-

My backpack falls from my shoulder to the floor and I dart for the stairs. I need to be out of this place as soon as humanly possible. Avoidance. That's all I have done at home lately. Avoid. My parent, to be exact. Things with my mom hasn't been as bad, but things are still not the way they're supposed to be. And they're never going to be that way again. I know that. But I can't seem to except it.

My father on the other hand? He's the problem. He acts like everything is okay. He takes extra shufts because he simply would rather be anywhere else than here. My mom obviously hasn't said anything, and I obviously have. She tries to talk to me. She really does. And thats a hell of a lot more than he is doing, and I wish I could talk to her. But I just can't. Every time I look at her, I see Will. I see how she is standing here right now perfectly okay with the fact that her son is dead. Gone. Yeah, that was her son. Yeah, there was nothing she could do about it. But she shouldn't be over it by now. She shouldn't be over it at all. I'm not, nor will I ever be.

Upstairs, in my room, I change into some basketball shorts, a tank, and throw a hoodie on over it. The fight tonight is going to be easy. To be honest, I wish that people would know that its me. It would be nice, you know? I'm no doubt the best one in that place. Well in my opinion anyways. Okay so maybe I'm not the best, but I'm pretty damn good. And when my hand gets thrown up and all those people start cheering. . .for me. . .yeah, I wish they knew who was behind the mask. But there is no way in hell that could happen. A lot of people come to watch those fights, so if anyone who knows my parents sees me up there- my dad will freak his shit. My mom too, but out of worry. My dad? He'd probably be embarrassed, worried about the family image, not me.

So yeah, I will keep it my secret.

Well, mine and Shay's.

She would be the only other person to know. And she figured it out with the mask on! Like who the fuck is she!? Kira found out because she saw me take off the mask walking down the hall. Shay just. . .she's Shay. She's something. Really something.

And its crazy that now she's mine. Kind of. We're basically together. I just don't want to say we're dating or call her my girlfriend because that'll complicate things. Labels tend to do that. I'm hers one hundred percent. She's mine. We're each others. Wow, that sounded cliche and really mushy. But its true.

I'm falling for that girl.


When I am finally ready, I head down the stairs. But when I see my father standing by the front door, placing his brief case on the floor, my heart drops. Fuck. I look back up the stairs, debating on weather just going out of my bedroom window, but I freeze. Then it was too late. "Grayson." My name came out stern, echoing against the walls and hitting me like a truck. I look back down at him from only a couple stairs up, but it was enough to make me not feel small next to him. Not physically necessarily, even though he is an inch or two taller; everytime I am around him, it feels as if he is talking down at me. Its one of the many reasons why I avoid him at all cost.

"Yeah?" I ask boredly, hiding any and all emotions. I lazily walk the rest of the way down the stairs, standing only a couple feet away from him now. He starts to kick his shoes off.

"Where ya headed?" He tries to ask normally, but this small talk is the farthest from normal for us. For anyone in this house, really. I scoff, letting out a dry chuckle before walking, or attempting to walk out. As soon as my dad grabs a hold of my upper arm, I flinch, maybe a little too hard, but cover it up by yanking it away harshly. "I asked you a question." He says crossing my arms. I nodded.

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