Chapter 17

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Bethany's POV

I woke up jittery and super hyper the next morning. This was it, graduation day. It was so surreal. I thought back through all my years in school and how I anxiously yearned for this day to come. I'd imagine myself in a cap and gown, getting my diploma and then moving on to college, making a successful life for myself. But now that it was finally here, it was more bittersweet than I had thought it would be.

The ceremony wasn't until six o'clock, so I had a long day of butterflies and jitters in store for myself. I eagerly jumped out of bed and went to take a shower. Afterward, I threw on some comfortable but decent looking clothes. I'd be changing into my dress before the ceremony anyway. As I looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, it finally hit me. I was becoming an adult. It was really happening. The idea filled me with even more excitement, and with a smile on my face I went downstairs.

"Good morning my almost-high-school-graduate!" my mother greeted me with a big hug. Liam, who was seated at the table, laughed at her motherly gesture.

"It still doesn't click in my head that you're really graduating tonight!" Liam told me as I took a bowl from the cupboard. I poured some milk and cereal into the bowl as I sat down.

"Me either! I'm so excited though. And also really nervous. It's like I'm really an adult now. Finally! And I'm done with high school, which is so amazing to actually say out loud. No more high school. Wow, I just can't even-"

My mother cut me off as I spoke. "You've always been a nervous rambler!" She shook her head and smiled widely.

Liam chuckled and I joined him. As the laughter faded into the air, we were left with a comfortable and happy silence.


As I waited on the stage in the school's auditorium waiting for the ceremony to begin, I felt butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. This was it, my high school graduation.

After what seemed like forever, it began and I was easily able to spot my ecstatic parents in the middle section of seats. My mother waved and my father and Liam gave me small, but meaningful smiles. I smiled at them, almost unable to control how anxious I was.

The principal began his opening speech and talked about adulthood and becoming who we were meant to be and all of that cheesy stuff and that was followed by the valedictorian and saludatorian addresses.

The valedictorian was Carrie Walsh who I had a few classes with last year, but I didn't know her personally. From what I could see, she was very serious and mature. She would probably end up being a politician or something.

The salutatorian was a short, nerdy boy who I didn't even know. His nasally voice made the long speech even more aggravating to listen to. I zoned out during most of it, but when it was time to get our diplomas my mind returned to it's buzzingly excited state.

There was one quote he included in his speech that stuck out to me. "Some doors are set out for us to open and makes mistakes by stepping in. But we can never go back out the same door. There's always another door to open at the end of the hall, until you actually reach what you're trying to get to."

As he closed his speech with acknowledgments and "thank you"s, I dwelled on the quote. But, I snapped back into consciousness when they began to hand out our diplomas.

I knew it wouldn't take long for my name to come because my last name was rather close to the beginning of the alphabet. By the time the "C" names went, I was practically unable to contain my nerves. My hands were shaking and I wanted to jump up and down.

"Bethany Davis," the principal read, and I walked to the front, shook his hand, and took my diploma with an accomplished smile. I looked out to see my mother taking a photo and wiping the mascara that was running down her face. My father was clapping and had the biggest smile on his face while Liam smiled and patted my mother's back to comfort her.

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