Chapter 9

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Harry's POV

After over an hour, I managed to find my way back home after my walk with Bethany. I opened the door to see Louis along with another old friend, Dustin, on the couch. Did he think this was his house or something now?

"Oh, hey there. You actually left your house today, huh?" Dustin laughed. The sound was vile. Louis laughed a drunk and scary laugh in reply.


"Calm down man. He brought the drinks over!" Louis smiled and held up a bottle of vodka toward me. Did he forget about my drinking problems,too? Was he taunting me? I hadn't had alcohol in 5 months, and him bringing it here did not help me to avoid it.

"What have you been up to? Still being a little bitch?" Dustin remarked. His insults were so childish but nonetheless, I was going to say something back.

"You shut the fuck up. I won't hesitate to beat your damn face in again." I warned him harshly, remembering our last encounter.

"I drove by the park earlier, saw you with some chick. You with her?" Dustin ignored my comment barged into my personal business as usual.

"Hell no. Just some girl."

"Haven't lost your uh, tough side...for her, have you?" he laughed, teasing me.

I realized in a way, Bethany was breaking down every wall I spent too much time building. I had to distance myself. I only met her yesterday and I was already up her ass.

And beside that...Harry? Falling for someone? No, it couldn't happen, and after realizing this, I wouldn't let it. I wouldn't let myself ruin another person. I suddenly made the decision to cut off all communication with her after today.

"No." I answered after concluding my thoughts.

I glared at the two scumbags intoxicating themselves on my sofa. I didn't want Dustin in my house at all after what happened in the past, and Lou should've known that.

"Seriously Lou, why would you bring drinks here?" I didn't want to drink especially when Dustin was here, because he liked to start trouble. But I hadn't had alcohol in a while, too so I didn't want to be tempted.

Louis gave me a dark look. I could tell his temper was rising, and he knew exactly how to piss me off. "Oh shut up already. Go back to your little weak minded support group shit." he scowled.

"Support group?" Dustin intruded.

"Harry's 'depressed'." he said with finger quotes. He thinks I'm faking now, does he? He's using all my trust against me.

"He was into the kiddy shit too! Taking pills, and slitting his wrists." he said, laughing at me, and putting on a fake pouty face.

My anger was rising, and I knew soon enough I couldn't control it.

"No way!" Dustin chuckled. "Seriously man, you got fucked up."

That draws the damn line. I didn't do shit for attention. I tried every thing I could to rid them of this weight on their shoulders known as Harry Styles and it was because of the that I was still here.

I walked over to the dicks getting wasted on my couch and stood over them, my height being an advantage. I grabbed the bottle of vodka and smashed it again the coffee table, breaking the bottle, and the glass top of the table.

"What the hell!" Louis screamed and stood up.

"Fuck you!" I shouted back.

Suddenly, he pushed me into the broken coffee table and pounced on to me. He punched my jaw, and I tasted blood.

"Dude, chill!" Dustin tried to pull Louis off.

I flipped Louis on to the ground and punched him back repeatedly. Adrenaline raced through me, powering me to hit him as I relived every harsh look and word of his betrayal.

He punched back, but not nearly as hard and not doing more than bruising me.

Blood ran from his nose into his mouth and eventually he stopped punching me back. Dustin pulled me off of him before I made him pass out.

"C'mon dude." He picked Louis up off the ground and glared at me before leaving with him.

"I won't let you win this." Louis scowled as he was led out the door.

My heart was rapidly beating, feeling like it would fall out of my chest. Louis's blood marked my knuckles, and my own blood stained my tee shirt. I had missed the feeling I got from fighting people.

Ignoring the mess made from the whole encounter, I walked into the bathroom and rinsed off the blood from my hands. I looked at my bruised cheek and swollen jaw in the broken mirror, also caused by Louis. Then, I stripped off my ruined shirt and threw it on to the ground.

After going into my bedroom and staring at the wall in an attempt to relax for an hour, I went back into the bathroom. I got a sleeping pill from the cabinet and swallowed it dry.

As my mind hazed into sleep, I thought all about my past, Louis, betrayal, and everything in between.

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