Chapter 22

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Harry's POV

"Don't think you can disrespect me like that, you fucking slut!" he screamed. There was a crash from downstairs and I ran toward the end of the hallway.

What was happening?

I made my way to the bottom of the stairs and peered into the kitchen.

"You said you wouldn't do this anymore, Robin! You said you loved me!" she cried. Why was mummy crying?

With a sharp crack, his hand hit her face. "Don't you pull that shit with me!"

"Harry!" she screamed when she noticed me. "Go upstairs, Harry. I'm okay, baby. Go on."

I remained there, frozen and scared.

"Get the hell out, you fucking piece of shit!" he shouted , but I didn't realize it was at me. When I didn't move, he started to come over to me with an angry face.

"Mummy!" I screamed in fear and ran back upstairs. I closed my door and locked it, afraid that he would follow me upstairs. As I sat in my room I could hear the sobs and crashes from downstairs.

"Fucking hell!" I screamed as I held my hand in my hands, attempting to bring my mind away from the flashback. I stood up and paced the room, breathing heavily. I walked out into the kitchen in need of a drink.

As I searched through the cabinets, I remembered that there was no more alcohol in the house. "Shit!" I shouted angrily as I grabbed a glass from the cabinet and threw it to the wall. Niall ran out of the guest room and looked down at the broken glass.

"Are you hurt?" he asked.

"No! Get out." I ordered him. When he didn't comply, I shouted, "Did you not hear me? Get the fuck out!"

"No! You can't keep doing this shit!"

"You can't keep doing this to me!" she shouted as he pushed her against the wall, knocking the wind out of her.

The image played in my head as I dropped to the floor. "Stop, Niall." I begged quietly, unable to breathe.

"Stop what?" he asked as he approached me. I heard his words, but my brain wouldn't process an answer, so I sat there unable to speak, rocking back and forth.


I shook my head in an attempt to tell him to leave me alone. In moments like these, I was more embarrassed than anything, but at the same time, my mind was too focused on everything else to even care what people thought of me.

"Harry, what can I do?" he sat next to me.

'Just leave. Leave me alone.' I thought.

Did I actually answer him? I couldn't tell if I had spoken the words aloud or not.

"Just stop screaming. Everything is okay." I was screaming? I couldn't even hear it. His words seemed to echo in my mind. I didn't feel like anything around me was real.

"Come on, just come over to the couch. I'm gonna clean up this glass." he grabbed my by the shoulder and stood me up, and I shakily made my way to the couch as he said. I couldn't remember anything else that had happened after that. Maybe I had fallen asleep or just blacked out, but either option was better than what I was feeling.


Sorry this is super short, I just wanted to have Harry's POV of last chapter seperate.

Italics are flashbacks. I know some stuff may not make sense right now, but it will eventually.

Thanks for reading? :)

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**Stay Lovely**



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