Chapter 19

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Harry's POV

"Harry, it's your turn." said the squeaky-voiced Asian girl on the floor below me.

"I said four times I'm not fucking playing." I wasn't gonna subject myself to their pointless, drunken games that led to doing freaky sexual shit in a closet.

"Geez, no need to be so rude." she squealed.

Agitatedly, I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my drink. I hadn't seen Zayn or Niall in a long time. They were probably looking for me.

I stood up from my spot on the couch and the annoying girl asked what I was doing. I ignored her and walked out of the glass sliding door out on to the brick patio. The air outside was warm, but not overwhelmingly humid. It was actually quite comfortable.

"Hey, why haven't I seen you around?" some bleach blonde approached me, while leaning on my side, giggling. Her shirt was so tight, her fake breasts were practically falling out of it, and her flat ass was sticking out of her tiny shorts. Her makeup was completely overdone and she smelled like beer and cheap perfume.

"I was busy hiding from you. Please get off of me." I said bluntly as I moved away. She gave me a dirty look and went off to stalk her next prey.

I looked around the yard and spotted Zayn and Niall. They were sitting with a wavy haired girl who was holding a drink and laughing. After concentrating some more, I realized it was Bethany. I would've never thought she'd be at a party like this. I laughed softly to myself at the concept.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when some guy came over to me. I recognized him, but couldn't remember who he was or why I knew him.

"Harry! Hey, mate! How's it going?" he said loudly. His breath smelled of cigarette smoke.

"Alright. You?"

"It's going, man. Where have you been? I haven't seen you in forever."

I shrugged. "Just been doing some other shit recently." I knew he was referring to my forced absence from all those stupid parties and bars and things like that.

"I gotcha. I just saw Zayn not long ago. You guys still hang out?"

I nodded.

Who even was this guy?

He pulled out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. "You want one?"

I cleared my throat and shook my head. "I don't smoke." I never really understood why people smoke. I'd tried it before, and it was so disgusting. After one drag, my lungs burned and I wanted to be sick. People say the same thing about drinking though as well. I guess everyone has their own temporary fix to their problems.

"Oh damn, looks like shit's going down over there." he pointed to the pool, chuckling. It was hard to see through the people crowded there, but I could see two girls shouting at each other. Ha, cat fights were always fun to watch. It wasn't a party without one.

Was that- no, it couldn't be.

"That's right. Beth is not only a pathetic skank, but also an obsessive freak!" the other girl shouted to the people around her. A bunch of immature guys were pointing and whispering shit.

Why was she talking about Bethany like that?

What a fucking bitch.

"You self-centered brat!" I heard Bethany's voice shout. Bethany was so shy and reserved, how could she be in a fight? She was being entirely unpredictable tonight.

Seconds later, I heard a splash and then saw Bethany come up to the surface of the pool. The bitchy girl yelled something else that I couldn't hear over everyone's laugher. Bethany exited the pool, her mascara running down her bright red face. She quickly turned around and raced out of the party.

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