Chapter 16

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Bethany's POV

As I drove Liam and I back to my house, my mind was still trying to sort through Harry's actions. After about five minutes of awkward silence, Liam began to speak.

"How do you and Harry know each other?"

"We met at support group a while ago, but then we stopped talking." I explained, as vaguely as possible.

"So what happened outside?"

For some reason, I felt compelled to keep what happened to myself. I wanted it to be something just for me. It was my moment to unravel. "We were just casually talking, you know, catching up." I replied.

When we arrived home, I made some tea, and Liam went upstairs to call his friend who he had missed a call from earlier. I brought the cup of tea into my room and sat at my desk. I stared at the blank wall in front of me as I thought.

Harry's actions were completely opposite of his words. He spoke to me like he could care less to even know I existed, but yet his actions made it seem like he wanted to get to know me.

And why was it that after that intense moment of looking into each other's eyes', being so close to one another, he just quickly went back inside?

I closed my eyes and sighed, realizing that Harry was one of those things that, as hard as I tried, I wouldn't be able to figure out...yet.

After changing into a pair of sweatpants, I laid on my bed and pulled my sketchpad. I still hadn't picked up a paintbrush for a while. About a week after I got out of the hospital, I tried to work on an old painting that I had left unfinished because it had always helped me relax, but I accidentally knocked over my cup of water that I had to clean my brushes. Black water smeared over the whole painting, and I threw the canvas in a bit of a meltdown. So, since then I haven't painted, but I've been trying to get back into sketching. As I ran the pencil over the blank page, I heard a knock at the door.

"Can I come in?" Liam said through the door.

"Yeah." I answered, still sketching away.

"I just wanted to say goodnight. What's that you're drawing?"

"What? Oh, it's just some, uh, doodling."

He rolled his eyes at my horrible attempt to draw attention away from what I was doing.

"It's just a sketch. I've been trying to get back at my art." I confessed.

"Can I see?"

I shook my head and closed the book to which he responded with a pouty face. I giggled at him, and he laughed back.

"Fine. You suck." he joked.

"Remember the time I punched you in the stomach for saying that?" I smirked, remembering the funny moment. Well, it was funny for me. For him, not so much.

"Don't remind me."

"Don't make me do it again." I playfully threatened.

After a moment of silence he said, "Hey Beth."


"Guess what?"

"What?" I said flatly, knowing a sarcastic response was coming.

"You suck." he teased with a cocky smile. I threw a pillow at him and he dramatically fell on the floor, yelling, "I've been shot!"

I laughed at him as he stood up and threw the pillow back at me. "Goodnight dipshit." I said. Liam and I always insulted each other, but neither of us ever took offense to it.

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