Chapter 24

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Bethany's POV

"She's yours! Enjoy!" My father's friend, Lee, said with a smile. He dropped the car keys into my hand and I thanked him. I got into my new car and followed my father back to our house. It drove so well and the inside was nice and clean with comfortable seats. When I returned home, I saw that I had a missed call from Liam.

I dialed his number back and he answered on the fifth ring.


"Hi, what's up?"

Liam and I talked about what was currently going on in our lives. He told me about his school work and the big tests he was stressed about, and how his job was going. I told him about my new car, and how I've been anticipating college.

I enjoyed when Liam called me just to catch up. He had such a full schedule, so I didn't like to call him first unless I needed something. But, it was nice just having someone to talk comfortably with, other than Niall.

In such a short time, Niall and I had become really good friends. I could be myself around him, and I didn't feel like I was annoying him all the time.

"Well, I have to go get ready for work. I've got the late shift tonight. I'll see you soon!" Liam said before ending the call.

I went over to my desk and practiced sketching for a while. Again, I attempted to draw the birds. Yesterday's attempt ended up looking like mutant rocks with wings.

I focused intently as I finished shading the sketch. I lightly wrote the word 'free' underneath the birds at the corner of the page. It actually was quite decent compared to yesterday's drawing.

As I closed the sketch pad, my mind wandered once again to Harry. It never stopped. I knew for a fact Harry wouldn't even be civil with me, but something about him made me so curious.

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone started to ring. Niall's name flashed on the screen. I suddenly remembered that we were supposed to hang out that night. I had completely forgotten about it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey. Are we still hanging out?"

"Yeah, sorry I didn't call you. It completely slipped from my mind."

He laughed. "That's okay! Do you wanna come chill at my apartment? I don't know if you remember Zayn from that party, he's here. We're just going to order pizza and watch some movies."

"Sure, as long as my parents don't mind." As I said the words, I felt like such a child. But honestly, I wasn't sure how my mother would feel about me going to a college boy's house alone.

"Okay, just text me if you can. Will you need a ride?"

"No, I actually got a car today! My dad's friend was selling his. It's fairly new and runs great."


"Well, I'm going to go ask and I'll let you know." I hung up the phone and went downstairs to ask my mother.

"Mom, can I go to my friend Niall's house?"

"Are his parents there?"

"He has his own place, he's in college. I won't be alone, another one of his friends is there. Liam met him and thought he was a good guy. I'll be fine."

After a moment of thought, she surprisingly agreed. "Be home by eleven o'clock!" I was shocked, but didn't question it.

With a nod and a "thank you," I left and texted Niall that I was coming now. He gave me the address and after driving around for a half hour, I found the house. I felt a bit nervous as I approached the door. I didn't want anything to be awkward.

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