Anyone Still Here?

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It's been quite a while since I've even logged into Wattpad. When I did, I noticed that there were some people still adding this old fanfic to reading lists like as of recently, which is freakin' cool so thank you!

I'm in college now and my ambition to really edit this the way I wanted to and create a broader story line had kind of dwindled down a bit and looking back at this whole work, I'm realizing that

1. My writing style has changed and improved a WHOLE lot since then and

2. I kind of jumped into writing this with NO PLAN and developed it as I went so the story line often got dragged out just for the sake of updates and I wasn't always sure where it was going. By the end, I knew I wanted to rewrite but I didn't know how because I was so deep in.

So now, I guess my question is, if I were to pick up writing again and maybe take on something like Similar Differences but obviously... a lot less cliche and a lot more planned out, would anyone like to see something like that??

I know most of my reads on this are old, but just because I saw notifications that people were still throwing this on to their lists not long ago, I was just thinking about it! So, if there's anybody out there, throw me a comment! 

Obviously, I might be a bit out of the fanfic genre now, but I wanna gradually start posting my poetry and whatnot here like I used to just as an outlet. 

So yeah, that's all... for now :)


Similar Differences (Harry Styles Fanfiction) (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now