Chapter 20

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Bethany's POV

As I expected, Liam was waiting for me on the couch as I entered my house.

"Can I please explain?" I asked him, pleading with my eyes.

"You freaking ask me to cover for you and then you pull a stunt like this?" He threw his arms into the air dramatically as he spoke, an action Liam had always done when he was very angry.

"Liam, just let me speak!" I reasoned. With a heavy sigh, he moved over so I could sit on the opposite end of the couch.

"My so-called friend who invited me, Skylar, started a fight with me..." I bit my cheek in an attempt avoid crying as I remembered the harsh things she called me.

"It ended with me getting thrown into the pool, and my phone wouldn't turn on. Harry followed me out of the party and offered to take me home. I tried to tell him I would just call you instead, but he insisted."

"And you rejected my call because...?" he asked.

"I was just so upset and I didn't want to hear you yelling at me. I'm sorry."

"So, what happened with Skylar?"

I took a sharp breath, wanting to avoid discussing it. "It's not really important."

"Beth, just tell me."

I sighed and told him everything that happened and everything that was said. When I got to the end of the story, I burst into tears. Liam was my brother, I didn't care about crying when he was around. It was all just too much, there was no way I could hold the tears back.

Liam gave me a hug and rubbed my back soothingly when I stopped talking.

"I'm sorry. That's so horrible!"

"How could she think that everything that happened was for attention? She screamed my secrets to everyone!" I said through sobs.

"Don't let her stupidity upset you. You're better than that. It's going to be okay." he said softly into my hair. "Do you need anything?"

I shook my head. "You can go to bed."

"No, I'm going to stay up for a bit. I'm going to make some tea, do you want some?"

I nodded and he left to go into the kitchen.

Before Liam could even return with the tea, I drifted off to sleep.


Somehow, I ended up in my bed the following morning. When I opened my eyes, the details of last night rushed back to me vividly and painfully. My head was pounding as I stood up and ran my fingers through my unruly hair. I was still in my dress, which still felt damp and disgusting.

I tiredly removed it and put on some yoga pants and a tee shirt. Before going downstairs, I cleaned the smeared makeup from my face and brushed my teeth. I was probably going to spend the day at home anyway, so I didn't care to do much with my appearance.

I groggily padded into the kitchen where my parents and Liam were drinking coffee.

"Good morning." my mother greeted me with a sympathetic smile, handing me a cup of tea.

"You told them?" I asked Liam, not accusing him, but just curious.

He nodded.

"I'm sorry." I said to my parents.

"I am upset that you went to the party, but Liam told me you were very responsible about it, so we will let it go. It was graduation night, we were kids once too. But, it won't happen again." she ended the rant sternly.

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