Chapter 25

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Bethany's POV

"What's going on?" Zayn said, rushing into the kitchen and leaving me alone to watch the violence unfold.

Harry was holding Niall against the counter by his shirt. His eyes were dark and intimidating and his knuckles were turning white from the tight grip he held on to Niall with.

Niall pushed Harry backward, causing him to let go of his shirt. "Harry, relax man. I don't wanna fight you." he said calmly with no trace of fear at all. Harry turned around and muttered something under his breath.

"What happened?" Zayn asked, hesitantly approaching them.

"Dustin started shit." Harry growled.

"So why'd you come here?" Zayn continued.

"I left and the asshole followed me. I was able to drive fast enough to lose him, and I figured he wouldn't show up here. He's probably egging my place or some shit right now."

"Yeah, and how are you so sure he won't come here?" Niall cut in.

"He doesn't know where you live."

"But Louis does. Is Louis with him?"

"Fuck." Harry said and ran a hand through his hair.

Louis... why was that name familiar?

Louis. Louis. Louis...

My mind flashed back to listening to a boy on the phone in the magazine aisle at the grocery store.

"Louis, listen, I can't solve it and I won't. You know how he is and you said that shit and then attacked him...Why shouldn't he have gotten pissed?...I'm in a grocery store, okay?...Call me when you're not slurring your words."

Suddenly, I remembered where I had seen Zayn prior to meeting him at the party. He was the boy whose call I had eavesdropped on. And Louis must have been the boy that Harry had got into a fight with that time.

But, Dustin? Who was he?

I sat there, unnoticed, and listened to them continue.

"Shit, what if they show up here?" Zayn asked, pacing the floor.

Harry then locked eyes with me. His face was bruised up and looked rather painful. "Someone take her home. She shouldn't be involved in this."

Um, hello. I exist. He could just speak to me directly instead of about me.

Niall started to approach me before the door opened and two boys walked in. One was shorter with messy brown hair, and the other was a bit taller than him with darker brown hair. Niall turned toward them and then back at me. "Go into the back bedroom." he whispered. I didn't listen to him though. I wanted to stay out here.

"Well, hello there. Is there a party going on here?" said the taller one arrogantly as he strolled in. The other boy laughed.

"The two of you need to leave." Niall said sternly.

"We didn't come here to see you, douche bag." the taller one spoke again.

"Dustin, back the hell up and get out." Harry barked.

So the shorter one was Louis.

"Oh, and who's this?" Louis said, referring to me. I stood from the couch and backed up. He approached me and his drunken, bloodshot eyes raked over my body disgustingly.

"Leave her alone." Niall said harshly.

Zayn was standing behind Harry, trying to keep him from starting another fight with Dustin, oblivious to my current situation. I nervously looked over to Harry and Dustin, who were getting very close to each other.

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