Chapter 32

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Harry's POV

I woke up an hour later with a sore back and a numb arm, but I didn't mind. I looked down at Bethany who was sleeping soundly against my chest. Every now and then she would make a small little groaning noise, but once I rubbed her arm gently, she'd stop.

I hadn't slept so well in a long time. I didn't have the nightmare or wake up at all. I wondered if Bethany's presence was the cause of this. Maybe, she was meant to be a part of my life.

I didn't mean that in a faithful, religious sort of way. Honestly, I didn't believe in any sort of God who wrote out my life for me. I wrote it myself, and although there were many typos in my story, I could feel something changing. But I wouldn't get my hopes up. I knew better than that by now.

Now, it's not love. I don't play that game either. I wasn't going to say she completed me or anything like that, because that wasn't what it was. No one could complete someone else. If you're not whole on your own, you shouldn't expect someone else to make fill your emptiness. I knew this.

I was still fucked up. She didn't fix me. I drank, and schitzed out, and occasionally thought about forcing a knife through my chest.

So, maybe it didn't seem like much changed. But something did, I felt it. I just couldn't name what it was exactly.

Bethany suddenly woke up with a confused expression. After a moment, she relaxed and realized where she was. She rubbed her tired eyes and looked up at me with a small smile. "Hi." Her voice sounded hoarse.

I smiled at her and we sat for a moment, looking at each other. Then, I turned away and said, "I should get going." I didn't want to keep her from seeing Liam, and I didn't want her mother coming out here and freaking out.

"What?" she asked in an exasperated tone.

"I didn't mean to say that so rudely. I just don't want your mother coming out or anything." I clarified.

"Oh." She nodded. "Can I call you later?"

I shrugged. "I guess."

I was so horrible at saying things in the way that I wanted to. My words always fell out of my mouth before I had a chance to think them through and phrase them in a better way. I had really wanted to say, "Yeah, of course." Maybe even smile at her for a second.

But I didn't.

Although I accepted having Bethany in my life, I still wasn't always sure of how to act with her. But rather than kick out the only person who sincerely wanted to stick around, I'd try to learn for her...and myself.

Bethany's POV

Harry left very awkwardly and I dragged myself back into the hospital waiting room. I didn't think much about his sudden change of attitude. I was growing used to that aspect of him. I hoped he would stay this nice for a while, but I knew better than to expect it.

As I sat down, my mom was just waking up, stretching her arms in the small chair.

"Where were you?" she asked when she noticed me.

"I just wanted to go get some air and stretch my legs." I lied.

She nodded. "Karen and Geoff are talking to the doctor now, I think. I heard him come in and ask for them."

I nodded. It was weird hearing my mother call Liam's parents by their first names. Since I was a child, I'd known them as Mister and Missus Payne.

My mom called my father to update him and I paced the room nervously while I waited for Liam's parents to return. Hopefully, we would get to see Liam soon. I knew that the moment I saw him I would probably break down, but I still needed to see him. He needed to know I didn't mean what I said.

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