Chapter 3

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Bethany's POV

I walked out of my mom's little blue car with an obnoxious sigh. You'd think after so long, I'd get used to the boringness of the gray sidewalk and the stained siding of the old library, but that wasn't the case.

My mom had been forcing me to go to a support group for six months now. At first I really hated it and argued with my mother every single Thursday over it, but finally I grew to accept it. My mother had agreed to my proposition that after my outpatient program, I could stop going, so hopefully as long as she hadn't changed her mind, today would be my last visit.

The support group had been held  in the old library that smelled like prunes and mold, and every book shelf and book was covered with layers of dust. No one every really borrowed books from there because most of them were outdated research material, but somehow it still stayed open. I thought it was more of a sentiment than anything.

The leader of the group was named Dan Reynolds. He was in his mid-thirties and dedicated his life to this support group. Apparently he'd attempted suicide in his early twenties but they were able to save him before any serious damage happened, and in the hospital afterward, he realized he wanted to use his experience to help people.

I entered the library and picked out a seat in the little gathered circle of chairs. A few new people were there, but it was mostly kids who had been attending a while. Some people looked optimistic about it, and others looked pissed off. You could visibly tell which kids came willingly, and which ones probably argued with their parents about it all day, as I used to.

As Dan cleared his throat and began his usual spiel, another kid walked in. He looked a bit confused, but was vaguely familiar.

"Is this the, um...mental health group?" he said awkwardly, while trying to hold a careless tone. He kept his eyes on his feet as he spoke in his smooth and soft accent that didn't sound like anyone from around here. Many seemingly random tattoos decorated his toned arms, which entirely fit his stereotypical bad boy image.

Dan nodded. "Welcome! Let me go grab you a seat!" He told the angry boy before moving toward the stacked pile of metal folding chairs.

I sighed, annoyed by Dan's excessive cheerfulness, and the boy sighed back.

Suddenly, it hit me. He was the boy from the psych's office who walked out. I wondered if he'd leave here in the middle of the meeting, too.

Dan came back with a chair and shoved it right next to mine. I glared at him in annoyance. I didn't have anything against this new kid, but his bad boy attitude rubbed me the wrong way.

Grumpy thumped his feet over to me and plopped down in the chair. His long legs were sprawled out in front of him. He glanced over at me with a smug look, and I turned away quickly.

I suddenly realized how horrible I must've looked. I didn't care to fix my hair just to come here, and I was sporting some faded jeans and an old gray hoodie. I actually probably looked like a meth addict.

But then again what else could anyone expect me to look like to sit in a smelly old library and listen to people cry?

Dan cleared his throat and began his usual opening.

"Welcome to the Mental Health Support Group for Young Adults. We've all gathered to seek advice and comfort and every member, along with myself will help to provide each of us with that. As we always say here," He paused to look around and the kids who attended weekly, and expected them to repeat the mantra with him. However, only two kids did. "Your struggles do not define you." They said. I had to keep my self from laughing in secondhand embarrassment at the two kids who had repeated the mantra, but Dan smiled at them proudly.

"Does he always talk like that?" Grumpy whispered to me, most likely regarding Dan's overly enthusiastic tone.

"Unfortunately, yes."

Grumpy rolled his eyes and brought his attention back to Dan.

I zoned out as he continued with his somewhat cliché story about his experience with depression and anxiety as a teenager. He told everyone about how his life changed when he realized that his happiness "only depended on the optimism in his heart."

Soon enough came the usual occurrence introductions. We went around the circle and told everyone our name, and if we wanted to, some of the things we'd gone through.

When it got to me, I bluntly said, "I'm Bethany. I'm just hoping today is the last time I have to come here."

Dan was never offended by my sarcasm because at that point he was used to it. For the first month that I had to attend the group, I introduced myself by saying, "I'm Beth and I think coming here is useless and I hate it."

Grumpy actually laughed at my introduction, and then it was his turn.

"Harry. That's it."

I had half expected him to say something really rude, but he didn't.

After talking about self-esteem and "loving your inner and outer you" which I of course zoned out during, Dan turned to Harry.

"Harold, would you want to maybe tell us why you're here today?"

Dan usually did this to most new people. I remembered when he asked me that and I glared at him before saying something sarcastic, as usual.

"It's Harry." He answered with a scowl. "And no, not really."

"Fate brought you here. We totally think the same way." A girl who I'd never even heard speak uttered.

Harry gave her an annoyed look and she muttered something to herself about soul mates.

"This room is judgement free." Dan reminded him after everyone moved their attention away from the weird girl.

"Good to know." Harry answered monotonously.

His vague answers intrigued me in a weird way, and I wanted to know more about him. As Dan concluded the meeting with the usual "peer advice and discussion" where people asked the group questions or talked about issues.

While that went on amongst the people who actually engaged in the conversation, I looked at Harry who was surprisingly listening to everyone intently, and decided that maybe I would attend the group a little bit longer.

_edited on 1/23/16

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