Chapter 5

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Bethany's POV
(( making revisions currently))

While Harry and I finished up our conversation after support group, I saw my mom's car pull up across the street.

"That's my mom. I've got to get going. Will I see you next week?"

He paused for a minute, probably debating whether or not he could take this "hell hole" again.

"Maybe." he remarked with a half smile. I smiled back, and then turned toward my mom's car. I realized she was staring at me. As I entered the car, I was greeted with a silly smirk.

"No mom, I do not like him, and he does not like me." I answered the question before it could even leave her mouth.

She looked at me, still smirking. "Beth, judging by the look you had as you walked over to the car, there's something."

I scoffed. "Good one!"

We arrived back at my house within ten minutes, and I walked into the kitchen. "Hey! How was your day?" my dad asked. He was always so cheery around me no matter what. Sometimes, I found it uplifting, but other times, it was just agitating.

"Good, how was yours?"

He hadn't seen me since early that morning before I started my school time. I was home-schooled because with all the stress, appointments, and far away doctors I had to see, going to regular school became way too much to handle. Plus, I was able to work ahead and at my own pace. I was graduating at my school with my old class though because the online school work I did was still provided through my actual school and their own program.

"Great! It's been a long day though. I'm exhausted."

I nodded. "You can say that again."

I sat at the table as my dad put a large bowl of pasta down. Hungrily, I took a serving.

As I ate my meal strategically, cutting everything small and taking no less than 20 bites per bit, my parents talked about their annoying colleagues and whatever was happening at work. I nodded occasionally, so it'd look like I was listening, but I let my mind wander.

My mind landed on a place I liked, so I kept thinking about the same subject; Harry.


Was I, Bethany Davis, falling for someone?

I couldn't be.

I honestly was never as into the whole romance thing as other girls. I had a boyfriend in the 9th grade, but we were more so just close friends, so decided to keep it at that. We still were friends until everything happened.

But Harry was different then any boys I had met previously. He actually seemed to see me in the same light that I saw him.  He didn't pity me, or look at me as if I was an annoyance. He understood, and I had been looking for someone who could do that for a long time.

At This point though, he may have just been on my mind because he was confusing. I wanted to figure him out, I guess.

I decided I shouldn't jump into something without thinking it over. I couldn't say that I definitely liked him anyway. He wouldn't like me anyway.

'Within the last few months, the only guys you've had contact with were your dad, and some doctors. This is probably just one of those teenage girl things.' I thought.

Although, I was probably over going through any sort of "teenage girl things." I grew up faster than I should've, and was pretty mature for my age.

"Bethany?" My dad's voice intervened on my thoughts.

It's pretty obvious that I zone out a lot. There are so many thoughts in my head, and it's hard to tell them to wait until later for me to go through them. My parents were used to me doing it.

"Huh? I'm sorry, I was thinking about something."

"I said, how was support group?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught my mom smirking to herself.

"It actually wasn't as bad as usual. A few new people showed up today." I looked at my mom when I said that to see her expression.

"And did you talk to any of them? Make any new friends?"

"I talked to one kid, Harry. I wouldn't say we're friends yet, but there's potential." I smirked back at my mom just to satisfy her.

"Oh, you should've saw the smile she had when I picked her up!" my mom exclaimed excitedly, clapping her hands.

I rolled my eyes, and felt my cheeks get hot. "Mom!"

My dad laughed at my embarrassed expression, and my mom and I couldn't help but join in. I cherished the little moment of pure happiness. I loved times like this. It was as if my parents forgot for a second that their daughter had so many troubles and that they hardly knew her anymore. It was almost as if I could forget, too. We were all whole again for a second.

After our laughter faded, we cleaned up the kitchen and I went back into my room where I so often resided. My room had a completely different atmosphere than the rest of the house. It felt much more secluded, and I loved to spend time alone in there.

I went over to my desk to log on to my laptop, as I did every day, scrolling through social media and checking for messages although I already knew there wouldn't be any.

When things first started getting bad, my friends were all there for me. When I was admitted to the hospital, they even came to see me. But as I got worse, they gave up on me, and slowly but surely, I did too. However, now that I was doing a bit better, I wasn't upset about not having them. I could focus on school, myself, and whatever else I wanted.

Suddenly, my mother burst into my room with my phone in her hand. I must've left it downstairs. "Beth!" she chirped. "It's the boy from support group!"

Full of confusion, I looked at her.

How did he get my phone number?

She mouthed the words, "Take the phone!" I rolled my eyes, and took the phone from her hands.


"I'm sorry if this seems a bit strange, and I-"

"How did you get my number?" I asked. I wasn't going to have a friendly chat with Harry if he was just some stalker.

"Let me explain, okay? I'm not some weird guy calling you for phone sex, or to blackmail you, or anything like that. After you left support group, I went back into the library, and...what's his name, Dave or whatever-"

"Dan." I corrected him.

"Right. Dan was putting all the chairs back and cleaning up. I asked him your full name, and told him why, because I figured he wouldn't just give it to me if I were some creep. I figured he may not even know your full name, but he did. So, hesitantly, he gave it to me, and I looked up your number."

I cut him off again. "So why'd you tell him you wanted to know my name."

He sighed. "I'm not at all sentimental, so don't think I'm like that, but I haven't had someone to discuss things with the way we did. So I thought maybe we could talk again."

I smiled to myself. "Alright. So, let's meet up tomorrow. 3:30 at the same bench. There's a trail at the park that we can walk together. Is that okay with you?" I asked.


"See you tomorrow then."

"Goodnight, Bethany."

I noticed I had butterflies in my stomach. I was smiling, and I couldn't stop.

"Goodnight, Harry." There was a short pause before I hung up the phone. Still smiling, I put the phone down beside me. I began to think to myself about how mysterious he was. I knew already that I'd always have questions to ask him. For now, I at least hoped that a decent friendship would come of this.

With thoughts of smooth accents and jade green eyes filling my head, I fell asleep.

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