Chapter 28

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Bethany's POV

"No Jerry, that goes on the other table!" my mother ordered my father as they decorated my backyard.

There were white round tables with shiny plastic table cloths scattered throughout the yard, and balloons were tied to the centerpiece on each table. A "CONGRATULATIONS" banner draped along the long wooden table where the food would be set up.

"Mom, I'm going to go get ready." I told her before I walking into the house. She was too worked up about the party to acknowledge what I had said. I wanted to help her set everything up, but she wanted to do it herself, so I surrendered.

I went into my room and began to curl my hair. When it was all curled, I pulled back a strand from each side of my head and clipped them together in the back with a hair pin. Then, I applied some light-brown colored eye shadow, a bit of eyeliner, and finally mascara. I pulled on my dress and put on a pair of light brown sandals before turning to see myself in the mirror. I actually felt sort of confident. My legs looked great with the sandals, and the dress complimented my body perfectly. I smiled at my reflection before heading back downstairs.

Liam returned from picking up the food, and I helped my dad set out the trays .

"You look nice." Liam complimented kindly as he placed a pile of paper plates at the end of the table.

"Thank you." I smiled.

The first to arrive was my Aunt Leslie. She came in with the biggest smile and gave me a hug so tight I thought I would suffocate. Then, she kissed my forehead, leaving a bright pink lipstick stain there.

"Ohh, Liam! How was your trip, dear?" she said as she gave him one of her death-grip hugs.

"Amazing." he told her with a wide smile. He continued to talk to her as he led her to a table, while I wiped the lipstick from my forehead.

More of my family filed in along with some friends and neighbors. Niall and Zayn strolled in with happy expressions.

"Hey, Beth!" Niall greeted me with a friendly hug.

"Hi!" Zayn said warmly. They both handed me a card which I put down on a seperate table before finding a place sit with them. Liam was off somewhere talking to our family, but I saved a seat for him.

"Sorry it may not be the parties you're used to, Zayn." I said jokingly. He laughed in reply.

"So... um," I began. I wanted to ask if Harry was coming, but I didn't want to seem rude or obsessive. Somehow, Niall knew what I wanted to ask.

"He didn't answer my phone call, so I'm not sure if he's coming. He should be though, don't worry." he assured me.

I nodded with a smile. But inside, I was hurt. My chest tightened up a bit at the thought of Harry rejecting me like this once again. He was probably making fun of me to his friends, and laughing about how stupid I was. I tore myself away from the thought, and put myself back into the positive mood of the party.

"Do you guys want to get some food?" I gestured to the table.

Zayn nodded. "When don't we want food?" he laughed.

As I put a small bit food on to my plate, memorized calories counts automatically added themselves together in my head. One dinner roll (90)+ 1/2 cup of pasta with sauce (250)+ 1 bowl of salad with italian dressing (75) = 415= too much. I hated the fact that some days I could eat a whole grocery store, but other days, one crumb is way too much. I had been doing okay recently, but I think the idea of eating with such a large crowd around threw me off track.

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