Chapter 13

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Bethany's POV

The next day, I slept in until around 11:00. When I went downstairs, my mother was on the phone. I picked up my cell phone which I had left on the table last night, and saw that I had a voicemail.

Huh, that's new.

I listened to it and realized it was my "brother" Liam. He stayed with us for about four years when his father kicked him out of the house, but was never legally adopted because my parents knew his dad would never agree to it. His father was a drunk and got easily angered, so when Liam was pressured by his friends into taking alcohol from their liquor cabinet he completely flipped out on him. As uncaring as it sounds, Liam's mother didn't defend Liam because he felt Liam would be safer out of their home.

Liam and I met because our parents' used to be friends, so they would all come to our cook-outs and parties. We were extremely close until he went to college. When he left, my problems were really just beginning.

Anyway, eventually Liam's father sobered up a little. Not completely, but he is better off than he was. They still haven't resolved any of the hate between themselves though.

"Hey Beth! It's Liam." the voicemail began. "I just got back last week, and I was thinking I'd come down for a visit. Let me know what's up, I miss you! Call me back when you can. Bye."

Liam had been in Africa for 5 months working on some sort of charity project. He always wanted to do big things, and everyone knew he would. That's why everyone who knew him was appalled to hear he got kicked out. But by now, he had moved past it and turned his life around.

I was so excited to see him. I'd missed him since he got his own apartment. My mom hung up the phone and asked if I got Liam's message.

"Yeah, was that him on the phone with you?" I asked.

She nodded. "He's going to be here tonight around dinner."

"How long is he going to stay?"

"A week or so. He's coming to your graduation."

I smiled, very excited to see him. When I first went into the hospital because I stopped eating, Liam called all the time. He would come to see me and bring me books and art suppies, and just him being there would comfort me.

Although Liam and I were somewhat close in age, we never really felt any sort of romantic way about each other. My parents treated him like their child, and I treated him like my brother. We even addressed each other as that. A few times when him and I would hang out, people asked if we were together, and we would laugh and tell them we're brother and sister. My old friends from school used to ask who he was too, and I would simply tell them he's my brother, not biologically though. But, I never went into details with all of them.

I was actually happy that I didn't have to deal with either of us having those types of feelings for each other. It made things much simpler.

I decided to call Liam back to tell him I was looking forward to seeing him.

"Hey!" he answered cheerfully .

"Hey! My mom told me you're coming, I can't wait. How was your trip?"

"It was really amazing. It just made me so grateful to have everything I do. We can talk about it later," he chuckled. "And how have you been?"

"Alright." I said, honestly.

"I hate to bring it up, but have you been eating okay?" he asked with a clear tone of concern.

"Yes, much better than before." I didn't really eat snacks still, and certain days I felt worse and would avoid food as much as possible. Other days, I ate three meals and desserts. But, that's part of recover I guess. I was definitely further from where I started. I felt a real difference mentally. I wasn't always as negative toward myself and the world in general anymore.

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