Chapter 10

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Bethany's POV

"Beth! I hope you're awake, it's 10:00!" my mother yelled up the stairs to me.

"I am! I'll be downstairs in a bit!" I called back.

I didn't have any plans, so I decided to take a nice, relaxing shower. The warm water removed all of the tension in my muscles.

I got out after about 20 minutes and brushed my hair into a messy bun. Since it was a lazy Saturday, I pulled on some sweatpants and an old but decent enough tee shirt.

I walked into the kitchen and was greeted by my mother handing me a cup of tea, just like our usual mornings.

"Thank you." I said.

She nodded in reply. "Do you think you could run to the store for me in an hour or so?"

Although I really wanted to sit home, I agreed because she's always running around for me. I finished my tea while talking to her about the novel she just finished reading.

Before leaving to go to the store, I pulled on a light jacket. It was already late spring, but it was a cool and slightly windy morning.

I got into the car and left to get the things on my mother's small grocery list.

Taking my time, I gathered all of the items and took a few minutes to look at some magazines. There was a man in the aisle who was speaking on the phone sort of loudly near me who had a bunch of tattoos like Harry, probably more. He had darker skin and hair, and big brown eyes.

"What do you mean you brought Dustin there! After what happened?...No... No, Harry didn't say anything about it..."

My hearing narrowed into his conversation after he said Harry's name.

"Well you know you shouldn't bring alcohol to his house Lou... No I'm not saying you're to blame, but-... You stopped visiting, then suddenly you bring Dustin and get wasted at his house!..."

This couldn't be the same Harry, could it? The man paced a bit and I pretended to search for a different magazine.

"Louis, listen, I can't solve it and I won't. You know how he is and you said that shit and then attacked him...Why shouldn't he have gotten pissed?...I'm in a grocery store, okay?...Call me when you're not slurring your words."

The man hung up the phone and suddenly noticed I was in the aisle. "I'm sorry." he told me shyly.

"No it's okay. I wasn't like listening or anything. " I lied before grabbing a random magazine and leaving the aisle.

I checked out and had to ask the cashier to repeat my total twice because I couldn't stop thinking about if that man was talking about Harry. When I got home, I took the items to the table and put them away. My mother had left a note on the table telling me she went for her usual afternoon walk and wouldn't be gone long. I took a seat on the couch before debating whether or not to call Harry.

After thinking, my curiosity win me over and I dialed his number.

He answered with a groggy and raspy hello.

"Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" he said harshly. Maybe he just wasn't a morning person...? Well, early afternoon person...?

"Did something happen to you last night?"

"What the hell did you hear?" He was making me angry by talking to me this way.

"Just answer me." I countered.

He sighed before saying again, just as rudely, "What did you hear?"

"Some guy in the store was on the phone. Your name came up his conversation. It was probably a different guy, I was just wondering."

"What did he say?"

"Something about a fight and alcohol and some guy Dustin, I think." I remarked as I recalled the details.

"Fuck." he let out a loud breath. "Yeah, nothing big though. It's fine. Bye."

"Harry, what the hell?" I said rudely.


"What's your problem?"

He scoffed, making me angrier. "Just because I went for a walk with you doesn't mean we're a thing now. It was a damn walk."

I felt a pain in my chest from his words. "I know, but you...I was only calling know what? Bye, Harry." I couldn't even get the words out.

I hung up the phone with tears of anger pooling in my eyes. Why did he suddenly get this attitude with me? He was so nice yesterday. I threw a pillow on to the floor but it didn't help at all. I couldn't understand why he did that...

Then, remembering the conversation from the grocery store, I tried to piece things together.

The guy who fought Harry was Lou. Lou brought Dustin to Harry's house, and Harry got mad. Lou got wasted at Harry's house and the guy said Lou shouldn't have brought alcohol there... God knows why. And, Lou stopped visiting Harry until that day. And Lou attacked Harry.

I hoped Harry was okay. He had muscle and he seemed like that type that would be able to fend for himself.

I pushed my thoughts to the back burner when my mother came back in the house. She greeted me with a smile and I returned one, though it was more fake than anything.

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