Chapter 35

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Bethany's POV

My mom was still at the hospital with Liam, and I had just gotten home from there when Harry called me asking to come over. I wanted to relax at home for a bit, but how could I not take advantage of his sweetness?

I wrote my mom a note saying that I was out for dinner with Harry. Technically I wasn't lying. I just didn't say where I was out to. Plus, I was 18. I could make my own decisions...

His house was actually further than I had thought. It took close to an hour to get there, but I didn't mind. It looked very nice from the outside. Awkwardly, I knocked at the door and waited for him to answer.

"Hello." he smiled as he opened the door. He smelled like mint and alcohol. I returned the smile and followed him inside. For some reason, I wasn't nervous to be at his house alone with him, but I felt I should've been.

"I'll order the pizza. You can sit down on the couch, the TV remote is in there."

I sat on the comfortable couch and scrolled through the channels until I found one that was playing some sort of cheesy romance movie. I knew it'd piss him off, but I wanted to watch it. After a few moments, he joined me on the couch.

"Are you kidding me?" he scoffed. "No way." He grabbed the remote and changed the channel.

"Hey! I was watching that!" I pouted at him.

"Fine." he scowled. He laid down and motioned for me to lay my head on his chest. I hesitated at first, but gave in and cuddled up to him. What's the harm in that? I let go of the warning signs, and enjoyed the feeling of having him near me.

"Harry," I said a few moments later.


"It's freezing."

He sighed. "You're annoying." He threw his arms around me tightly in attempts to make me warmer.

Somehow in the middle of the summer his house felt like it was actually late December weather. Plus, I have always gotten cold super easily, it's just one of those weird things about me. Despite how much I liked him holding me, it didn't add much warmth.

"Still cold." I told him, stifling a laugh. I loved annoying him. He got up and trudged into the other room after dramatically rolling his eyes at me. Then, he returned with a fleece blanket. He took his spot on the couch and let me lay back on his chest before giving it to me to lay over the two of us.

It felt both wrong at right at the same time. I was so comfortable there with him, but I was afraid of the way it would end. It felt like a fairy tale to me, I kept having to remind myself that I wasn't dreaming. For those few moments, I was completely content.

As I observed the room around me, I noticed a half emptied bottle of vodka on the coffee table. Suddenly, I began to worry about Harry. How could he have had that much to drink by himself?

"Harry," I interrupted again. He must've been falling asleep, because he groaned in response. "How much did you have to drink today?"

"Shut up." he moaned restlessly. I sighed. Then, a knock sounded at the door. He groaned and started to get up, but I told him I could get it. He was already half asleep, I didn't want to make him get up.

"Wallet's on the table." he said, not even bothering to open his eyes.

I scoffed at his laziness and took the money from his wallet. After paying the delivery man, I called in to Harry, "Where are the plates?"


I took two paper plates from the stack that was on top of the microwave and returned to the couch with the pizza and plates.

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